'Jumper' is a short film written and directed by Justin Anderson, It tells the story of a bourgeois European family whose lives are invaded by an enigmatic visitor. Set within a 20th century modern villa in Spain, his presence creates an unnerving effect.
The film was produced to coincide with the the 10 year anniversary of British fashion designer, Jonathan Saunders. Jonathan is incredibly passionate about film and it often serves as a starting point for a collection, in this instance the collection was the starting point for the film.
Inspired by David Hockney's ‘swimming pool series’ and the 1968 Pasolini's film ‘Teorema’ - Justin’s film focuses on a middle class family of four, who’s lives are all individually connected to the mysterious visitor. Edited in a way that is purposefully confusing, Justin pulls you into this melee of ambiguity that the Mother, Father, Son and Daughter are all lost within.
Director: Justin Anderson
Production Company: Bold (In Association with: Smile Barcelona)
Exec Producer : Rob Godbold
Producer : Alvaro Weber @ Smile Barcelona
DP: Pau Castejon
Production Designer : Pancho Chamorro
Editor: James Rose @ Final Cut
Additional Editing: Saam Hodivala @ Work
Post Production: The Mill London
Producers: Daniel Sapiano and Beth Phillips
Original Music: John Greswell Christopher Taylor
Memlo Park Music
Sound Mix: Sam Ashwell @ 750mph
Titles: Studio Frith
Designer: Jonathan Saunders
Casting : Lesley Beastall,
Additional Casting: Sacha Robertson
Special thanks to: Yvie Hutton at Jonathan Saunders, The British
Fashion Council, M.A.C. and Starworks Group.
Visitor: Guillaume Dolmans @ AMG models
Mother: Nathalie Legosles @ Mei Models
Father: Javier Casamayor @ La Principal
Daughter: Becca Horn @ Elite Models
Son: Pol Hermoso @ Salvador