Creative in association withGear Seven

ODD's Inclusive Campaign for F&F Casts for Personality First

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Agency launches F&F’s 2022 spring and summer wear with joyous campaign

F&F, Tesco’s fashionwear brand, is promoting its new spring and summer 2022 collection with a joyous TV ad campaign by integrated creative agency ODD, encouraging women to pick up seasonal fashions while shopping for everyday items. 

As part of its long-running “I only popped in for a…” campaign, women are shown having their “F&F Moment” – a moment of elation, when they pop in for something every day but come out with something joyous. 

The strategy behind the campaign builds on this summer’s post-covid holiday bounce back and the desire of many women to celebrate the return of good times while avoiding the cliché images of unattainable perfection used in so much fashion advertising. F&F offers an optimistic brand open to all women and is above all aspirational, promoting a positive and inclusive ethos and calling on customers to “come and join us.” 

This approach has led ODD to seek fresh ways of producing F&F’s ads, starting with the casting. ODD put out a call on Twitter that didn’t mention the usual fashion requirements like size, ethnicity, or height. The tweet simply looked for girls with “unique personalities,” and that is exactly what F&F found. 

The shoot was then built around the cast. From the moment they stepped into the styling room to leaving the set at the end of the day, everything was designed to make them feel as fabulous as they truly are.

The women are then revealed wearing gorgeous SS22 clothes as they begin dancing and the voiceover builds to a crescendo and exclaims “F&F!” The climax of the film is the “F&F Moment”, that joyous juncture when you pop into the supermarket for an everyday product but come out with something that makes you feel amazing. 

The campaign runs for two weeks across the UK, Ireland and central Europe. With a 20-second TV execution and two 10-second cut-downs, sponsorship idents and stills, the campaign will run on TV and online video, with adaptations for OOH, print, digital, social and owned channels. 

Gus Mackinnon, executive creative director at ODD, says: “The much loved F&F campaign had been running for years, so the challenge was to refresh and inject even more feeling. We street cast to find an amazing group of individuals who could relate to the sentiment of popping in for the weekly shop and coming away with a little more than you bargained for. Each woman brought their own unique personality and sense of style. It was refreshing to be casting for personality first, without the usual stipulations of a traditional fashion brief. It also made for a lot of fun that hopefully, you can feel in the results.”

Creative director on the ad was Sally Green working with senior art director Ryan Spacey. The director was Vicky Lawton and producer was Blair Smith @Octopus Inc, with media strategy and buying by Mediacom.

Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound