Internationally renowned London-based animation and production studio, Nexus, won further international recognition last night as it picked up two Silver Lions for Visual Effects and Sound Design, and a Bronze Lion for Corporate Images at Cannes for Honda Hands.
Nexus directors and Academy Award nominees Smith & Foulkes were awarded the coveted Lions for Hands the latest Honda campaign, in the Visual Effects, Sound Design and Corporate Images categories.
Curiosity is at the heart of the Honda Hands campaign; the ad focuses on the curious spirit that has turned the engineering company into largest engine manufacturer and racing company in the world. The film sees an engineer’s inquisitive hands intricately transition between Honda’s greatest products and in the process, show viewers the story of Honda’s proudest achievements.
Smith and Foulkes, Directors, Nexus says: “There is a kind of folklore to Honda and they are held with great affection and justifiable pride. We wanted to pay tribute to that by encapsulating some little touches within the film for the more knowledgeable eye that referred to these landmark moments in the company's history. Because of this we are glad that we have done their vision justice and are truly grateful to receive two Silver and a Bronze Lion for Hands which has been so well loved already in the industry. ”
Honda Hands film was made by Nexus Productions for Wieden & Kennedy London, the visual effects were created by Nexus and Analog Studio and the sound design was by Factory with composer Siren.
Chris O’Reilly, Co-Founder, Nexus Productions, says: “ Smith & Foulkes have directed an incredible body of work and have had a great creative relationship with W&K and the Honda brand. It’s very exciting that this innovative and eye-catching work been recognised in this way.
For Smith & Foulkes to be awarded two Silver Lions and a Bronze is absolute amazing and we are very proud of them, as well as all our crew and production staff at Nexus who continuously push the boundaries of creative excellence with humour, warmth, and expertise.”
Honda Hands credits:
Director: Smith & Foulkes
Production Company: Nexus
Executive Creative Director: Chris O Reilly
Producer: Tracey Cooper
Production Asst: Fernanda Garcia Lopez
Director of Photography: Clive Norman
Client: Honda UK
Agency: W+K LONDON
Creative Directors: Tony Davidson & Kim Papworth
Copywriter: Chris Lapham
Art Director: Aaron McGurk
Producer: James Guy
Account Team: Laura McGauran / Paulo Salomao
Executive Creative Directors: Tony Davidson & Kim Papworth
Editorial Company: Trim Editing
Editor: Paul Hardcastle/David Slade
VFX Company: Nexus Productions & Analog
VFX Supervisor : Mike Merron
VFX Supervisor : David Walker
Senior 3d Artist: Simon Reeves
Senior 3d Artist: Tim Woods
3d Artist: Arvid Niklasson
3d Artist: Stuart Turnball
3d Artist: Todd Daniele
Animator: Stuart Doig
Animator: Chris Bacon
Animator: Sabrina Lecordier
Animator: Eoin Couglan
Animator: Dominic Griffiths
Rigger Mark Tsang
Modeller: Wayne Kresil
Modeller: Dan Osbourne
Modeller: Alex Stratulat
Modeller: Jay Harwood
Modeller: Florent Rousseau
Compositing Supervisor: Fabio Zaveti
Senior Compositor: Jaume Arteman
Compositor: Nicole Hekel
Jr Compositor: Sabrina Rivolta
Jr Compositor: Andre Dias
VFX Editor: Pete Baxter
Grade: Gabriele Peloso
Effects TD: Matt Chandler
Technical Director: Anthony Arnoux
VFX Producer: Mike Turoff
Music+Sound Company: Factory & Siren
Sound Designer: Anthony Moore @ Factory
Producer: Sean Atherton