Creative in association withGear Seven

New Web Film Calls on GB to Create Olympic Legacy

'Join In' backed by Seb Coe, Eddie Izzard and host of sports stars call for local sports club volunteers


A new film, to go live nationwide on August 13th, was unveiled today supported by Lord Sebastian Coe and a host of sports stars and celebrities, who have teamed up for Join In, a campaign calling on the nation to help out at their local sport club. Latest figures have revealed volunteering at clubs is in sharp decline and the demographic ageing.
Created by Brothers and Sisters and directed by RSA's Morgan Hutchins, the film is being seeded on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. The full campaign runs across press, radio and outdoor. The YouTube video is entitled 'Little Trainer' and features a five year old boy rallying Britain to get behind their local sports clubs and help create the next generation of champions.
View the video here:
Andy Fowler, ECD, Brothers and Sisters said: “When we pitched and won the business we were hugely excited by the creative opportunity. It's a dream project to help create a positive sporting legacy for kids in London’s Olympic year. Little Trainer brings to life the next generation of champions that need their local community more than ever. We are thrilled and proud of the film."  
Lord Sebastian Coe added: “Millions will be inspired by what they witness over the summer and I hope this creates opportunities in every community for people to join in their local sports clubs. We are really happy to support the ‘Join In’ project, it is a great idea that means that thousands of people across the UK can turn up and take part in local sports just after the Olympic Games finishes.”
Agency: Brothers and Sisters
Creative Director: Andy Fowler / Elliot Harris / Cameron Mitchell
Creatives: Will Flack / Aaron Willmer
Agency Producer: Shaun Nickless
Director: Morgan Hutchins
Producer: Shaun Nickless
Production Manager: Brenda Petersen
Offline Editor: Frank Harris
Post Production: Big Buoy