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New Dual Leadership Team for M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment Berlin

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Simona Schapiro and Jannis Klausch replace Torsten Wirwas as Managing Director of M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment

Starting in September a new management team will take over operations of M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment in Berlin. Going forward, Simona Schapiro and Jannis Klausch will be in charge of managing the daily and new business of the Berlin branch from the international M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment network as managing directors. They are replacing Torsten Wirwas, who leaves the agency after seven years at his own request to take on a new role outside the agency industry.

Schapiro and Klausch are not new to the team, but rather have contributed significantly to the growth of the agency and the development of new business fields around the topic of sponsoring in recent years.

The duo ensures continuity with long-standing customers and will simultaneously promote the forward-looking orientation of the agency in their new role.
Schapiro is a proven expert in the field of lifestyle and entertainment platforms. She has been involved in the agency since the establishment of the Berlin branch and has in the past been responsible for strategic communication and creative across the entire client portfolio.

During his time at M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment, Jannis Klausch has been responsible for various clients in the field of sponsorship strategy, consulting and evaluation, in particular for automotive brands, and has a deep understanding of connecting data, content and media.

The appointment of the new management team is in line with the proven practice within the global network, which relies on success from within its own ranks rather than recruiting new leadership personnel externally.

"This next step makes perfect sense" says Steve Martin Global CEO of M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment "Their expertise complements each other perfectly and they are the ideal team for us to continue growing our offering in Berlin, as not only an important market for us but the start of an exciting new chapter for the agency.“

The aim of the new top management is to expand the range of strategic advisory services and to focus on strengthening the positioning of the agency within the German market.

Work from M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment London
Fajita Friday with Team GB
Old el Paso