The Immortal Awards in association withJSM

My Most Immortal Ad: Vicki Maguire

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
The Immortal Awards juror and Havas CCO explains why six seconds of egg cracking still gives her the chills
There are just two weeks left to enter this year's Immortal Awards and, in the run up to the September 10th entry deadline, our jurors have been taking it in turns to select the ads and campaigns that are most immortal to them, revealing the reasons why they've stayed with them until this day.

Today it's the turn of Vicki Maguire, chief creative officer of Havas London, who picks a TVC packed with thrills that still gives her the chills...

Nike 'Parklife' (TBWA Simons Palmer, 1996)

This is one of my favourite ads. Of all freaking time. I was on my first placement and wading through a tonne of Femcare radio ads. I was about to tell my bosses they could shove their tampon briefs up their arse, so to speak, then this came out.

I fell in love with advertising all over again. The pure joy of this ad still takes my breath away. Yes the format is dated, yes the haircuts are ridic, but look at the young Cantona's face. They’re playing for the thrill of it. It still gives me chills.

Yes, Guinness 'Surfer' cost more, Superhumans had a better track (arguably), and Cog is better choreographed… but this ad changed the game. Nike was a basketball brand before this. And, come on, I defy you to watch a better six-second opening shot than egg cracking pan.

The Immortal Awards entry system is closing on September 10th. Every member of Little Black Book is entitled to up to five entries, depending on their membership tier. This year, Bronze members receive two entries, whilst Silver and Gold members get five entries. The full list of rules, including eligibility dates, can be found here.

If you’d like to enter the Immortal Awards but you’re not yet a member of LBB, sign up here today. If you’re already a member and would like to increase your number of entries, you can upgrade your membership here.

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