The Immortal Awards in association withJSM

My Most Immortal Ad: Jim Curtis on Volvo Trucks' 'Epic Split'

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
The Immortal Awards juror and Clemenger BBDO executive creative director on a two minute marvel from Forsman & Bodenfors and Andreas Nilsson

There are less than three weeks to go until this year's Immortal Awards deadline. In the build up to the Friday 10th September cut off, our jurors have been taking it in turns to select the ads and campaigns that are most immortal to them, revealing the reasons why they've stayed with them until this day.

Today, Jim Curtis, executive creative director at Clemenger BBDO, reveals why Forsman & Bodenfors' audacious stunt for dull-but-reliable brand Volvo makes him feel lucky to work in advertising. And if you want to find out more about how and why it was made, check out our interview with Forsman & Bodenfors' Sophia Lindholm, director Andreas Nilsson and Immortal Awards 2020 juror Per Pedersen here.

The deadline for this year's Immortal Awards is Friday 10th September. More information on how to enter can be found at the bottom of the article.

Volvo Trucks 'Epic Split' (2013)

Of course there have been many other ads and ideas which have changed the world and made the planet a better place, but there’s something about this ad that reminds me of why I’m lucky to work in advertising. 

The opening shot. The strange, yet poetic voice-over from Jean-Claude. The eyes not opening for a full 10-seconds. Enya. The sun setting dramatically in the background. More Enya. And at the heart of it all, the product. Yup, Volvo Dynamic Steering.

It’s not a big brand ad. It’s a product ad for Volvo Dynamic Steering. And it’s absolutely genius. The simplicity. The confidence to do it differently. And at the end of the day, the pure entertainment value of this ad makes it absolutely immortal.


BRAND: Volvo Trucks
AGENCY: Forsman & Bodenfors
DIRECTOR: Andreas Nilsson

Entries to The Immortal Awards are now open and Little Black Book members can make their submissions here today. 

Entries into The Immortal Awards will be accepted until September 10th 2021. All entries must be made for a commissioning client, and must have first aired, broadcast, displayed, launched or published between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021.  

Every member of LBB is entitled to up to five entries, depending on their membership tier. This year, Bronze members receive one entry, Silver members will receive two entries and Gold members will receive five entries. The full list of rules, including eligibility dates, can be found here.

If you’d like to enter the Immortal Awards but you’re not yet a member of LBB, sign up here today. If you’re already a member and would like to increase your number of entries, you can upgrade your membership here.

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