“There are so many current trends that are going on right now in digital, that I think a lot of people are thinking about these things as a digital revolution that is going on right now and that actually is not the case…” – Aaron Reitkopf, President, MullenLowe New York and Chief Executive Officer Americas, MullenLowe Profero.
Technology has permeated nearly every facet of our daily lives. You may wake up via an alarm that was set on your iPhone, you could possibly listen to iTunes while on your morning jog, and if you have the means, you could even set the thermostat temperature of your home through your car’s Bluetooth activated Artificial Intelligence system. With technology advancing at such a borderline unconscionable rate, how is it changing our methods of interaction with one another or how we plan our own futures?
For example, many of the countries that comprise Latin America operate differently than one another due to economic restrictions or a difference in cultural norms. However, it should come as no surprise that the regions are more dissimilar than similar in regards to their technological capabilities and the access they have to them. How do consumer brands work to better understand their audience and stay abreast of their mercurial tastes and preferences?
It’s actually quite simple, professionals in creative advertising both reflect on and study these potential new opportunities in order to develop a better understanding of their audience. Specifically within the Latin American culture, technological prowess is craved and desired
“I think Latin Americans are very technological; we like to feel that we are. I really don’t know about our technological advances or developments, but as users we are geeks," said Marialejandra Urbina, MullenLowe SSP3 Colombia.
What are your thoughts on Latin American technology after seeing this week’s episode? LATIN TALKS premieres a new episode each Wednesday until December 7th. To get in touch with MullenLowe Group regarding LATIN TALKS, email latintalks@mullenlowegroup.com