MRM//McCann London has been appointed by Macmillan Cancer Support to lead a long-term campaign, focusing on building relationships with people living with cancer from the point of diagnosis.
The campaign will support Macmillan’s focus on being right there to help people living with cancer deal with the physical, emotional and financial impact of their diagnosis, at the times when they are most in need. The work aims to demonstrate Macmillan as a relevant and valuable source of information and support, from the moment a person receives a cancer diagnosis.
MRM//McCann were appointed following a competitive pitch process, led by the intermediary Creative Brief. There was no incumbent, and the appointment does not affect any existing client/agency remits.
Alasdair Glen, head of cancer support marketing, Macmillan Cancer Support, comments: "MRM//McCann demonstrated a real understanding of our ambition to be there for everyone who receives a cancer diagnosis, and the importance of us being able to realise our aim. The team will bring invaluable expertise to help us reach people living with cancer when they are most in need of our support, and help them face whatever their diagnosis throws their way."
Nicky Bullard, chairwoman and chief creative officer said: "This project is CRM like never before – to be useful and helpful to people from the point of their cancer diagnosis is groundbreaking and important work. This will be a career highlight for all of us here at MRM//McCann and it’s an absolute honour that Macmillan Cancer Support chose us."