Creative in association withGear Seven

Mosaic Is Breaking Bread and Bad Table Habits in Time for the Holidays

In an effort to disconnect us from our screens, artinsanal bakery ACE has created the breadblox

Canada’s premier artisanal bakery, ACE, is baking up something other than bread with a tool to help people connect with one another, not our screens.

There’s nothing more powerful than breaking bread with someone. For centuries, it’s been how we connect, share and make memories. But in these modern times, a few unwanted guests have pulled up a seat to the table, distracting us from true connection – our mobile phones. In an effort to help curb the ever-so-present beeps and boops around the dinner table, ACE created the breadblox – a modern take on the breadbox that’s designed to hold devices so you can disconnect to truly connect.

You can check out a video promoting breadblox below:

In reference to the campaign, ACE Bakery’s Senior Brand Manager Rachel Leung explains that “we often say that meals are sacred times to bond with those we care about, but as we’ve seen these moments are often disrupted by our device’s distractions. It’s not even enough to flip our phones over anymore – it’s been proven that the mere presence of our phones causes us to not be present.” To help, the product was designed with an “out of sight out of mind” mentality, allowing users to choose to put away their phones and know that they won’t be missing anything.

“We didn’t want to just tell people to disconnect. It was about walking the walk and actually giving people the tool to do so,” said Jess Willis, VP Executive Creative Director of Mosaic Canada, the agency behind the invention. “Breaking bead has been a tradition for thousands of years, it’s time to stake its claim once again and remove the unwanted guests from the table: our phones.”

For its branding and packaging, Mosaic wanted to speak to the simplicity of this tech-like product, while still making it feel warm and approachable. With a focus on its sound-blocking abilities, the packaging showcases a soundwave being silenced as it’s being opened, connecting the act of using the product to choosing to silence the distractions.

Completing the narrative, the geometric sans wordmark, with its subtle sharp edges, help to tell the story of this modern appliance, while its unique X reinforces the idea of blocking out the noise to focus on what matters.

Bringing functionality to beautiful countertop décor, gloss white polymer and bamboo accents come together with a simple faraday cage to create the signal-blocking breadblox. Complete with a removable cutting board, its simple non-tech design is meant to encourage breaking bread with one another, not with our screens.

With an overwhelming response, the company is working on a second run but in the meantime, a waiting list can be joined here.

Agency / Creative
Music / Sound