Made with Finnish agency Valve King Helsinki and shot in South Africa, the series of four films follows several loveable characters who embrace life simply because they can. From hitting the open road to chasing love on the sun-drenched shore, the films reflect the freedom & choice that come with being a Sonera customer.
"This may just have been the funniest shoot I've ever done,” says director Magnus Renfors. ‘The idea is just great; fun characters doing what they want and playing around in various situations. That goes for Sonera as well, such a huge company going for this bold turn in brand simply because they can! They trusted the guys at Valve King who in turn trusted me. It’s the perfect recipe for a great campaign!’
"Magnus is a great person to work with. An easy going director, but still opinionated in that charming Swedish way. He’s especially talented when it comes to working with actors and getting the best out of them.” says Valve King Helsinki’s creative director Pasi Lindqvist.
The first two instalments have recently been released with the remaining two due on air after summer. ‘And for the next two films due out after summer, I don't think I have laughed so much on a commercial shoot before!” explains Magnus Renfors.