Meet Your Makers in association withThe Immortal Awards

Meet Your Makers: Being the Keepers of the Schedule with Krystle Timm

Post Production
New York, USA
Carbon's senior producer on a good posting schedule, her love of teamwork and why the goal should always be to produce something fabulous

Driven by working with great minds to bring ideas to life, Krystle brings a deep knowledge of the creative process with her to Carbon. She will collaborate with brands and agencies, as well as our growing team of artists, designers, and directors across a diverse range of projects.

With over a decade of experience in the industry, Krystle’s work includes campaigns for Louis Vuitton, Mitsubishi, and Spotify. She adds, “I love variation. I will crave a massive full CG spot, then next I’ll want to work on a beauty/fashion film or a design piece. I can’t wait to be a part of Carbon’s creative productions, use my experience to help mold the process and see it grow. At the core of it all, my focus is on giving our clients that confidence from pitch to delivery, and to feel fully supported throughout the project.”

Krystle’s love of variety has seen her work range from large-scale, VFX-heavy holiday campaigns for Tiffany & Co. to an underwater music video for Nicki Minaj and short films for Adidas.

LBB> What first attracted you to production - and has it been an industry you’ve always worked on or did you come to it from another area?

Krystle> Production was never an industry originally on my radar. I wanted to be a marine biologist in my younger days and later loved the idea of doing something in fashion. I took media studies during my final year at Secondary School and scored high during exams, so I continued pursuing it in College and then University. At College I started to look into editing and the passion grew from there. 

LBB> What was your first role in the production world and how did this experience influence how you think about production and how you grew your career?

Krystle> I was a runner at a post house in London. I loved it. I was lucky to run with some incredibly talented people who are now successful artists in the industry. I considered being an artist, but quickly pivoted to production when I realised I was stronger with those skills. I was offered a job as a production assistant, grabbed the opportunity, and haven’t looked back! Despite not going down the artist route, seeing their passion and expertise re-affirmed this was the industry for me, and the people I wanted to surround myself with. 

LBB> How did you learn to be a producer?

Krystle> Do we ever stop learning?! I think I would pinpoint two moments, both happened at my first company. Initially I was working in a versioning team as a production assistant, next I moved to production manager, and then to producer. That path gave me a solid base on technical details, fast turnarounds and organisation. 

I then moved over to a team managing shoots, VFX, design direct with agencies & production companies. I was part of a small group of other young producers. We all helped each other and grew together. I don’t think I would have the confidence I do now, without the bond we all had. I’ve always been very lucky throughout my career to have some awesome people to learn from! 

LBB> A good producer should be able to produce for any medium, from film to events to digital experience. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why/why not?

Krystle> I agree to a certain extent. I think a good producer should have knowledge in all mediums but be confident enough to bring in the experts if/when they are needed. It’s good to lean on a wider team and expertise. 

LBB> What’s your favourite thing about production and why?

Krystle> The teamwork. I love speaking to all the people along the process – agency, artists, colleagues. It keeps the day varied and allows you to constantly keep learning.

LBB> How has production changed since you started your career?

Krystle> I think our contribution and our expertise is relied upon much more in recent years, both internally and also externally. This is amazing for growth and development but can be increasingly pressured as technology advances and complexities increase. It's not just about laying to tape anymore, we have various formats and platforms when considering many of our productions, along with making sure we are using the latest technology and best approach for a project. The knowledge really needs to stretch from pitch to delivery.

LBB> And what has stayed the same?

Krystle> The fact that we are the glue. We are the keepers of the schedule, the budget. We are the support, the entertainer. The quality of the production team undoubtedly impacts the experience for everyone on a show. 

LBB> What do you think is the key to being an effective producer - and is it something that’s innate or something that can be learned?

Krystle> I think it’s important to treat each job based on the needs of the creative. You can follow the classic structure & process, but you need to be able to follow instincts. Choosing the best team for the job, not solely based on the availability. Working with and listening to your leads and making sure the team, including client and agency, feel fully supported. 

A producer should have the right attitude, which can’t be taught, but skills can definitely be learned and fine-tuned as you find your groove. A lot can come with confidence too, which only comes in time.

LBB> Which production project from across your career are you most proud of and why?

Krystle> As a producer we can base our most proud moments on so many different things. Making the most ambitious client fall in love with you, your first time producing complex CG, or even finishing a massive delivery. Maybe it's the one that tested your ability to control a large team, or the project that allowed you to bond with your team. Or maybe the one that you learnt from the most, as it was an unknown territory. I don’t think I could pick just one. I've had a few come and go. 

LBB> And in terms of recent work, which projects have you found to be particularly exciting or have presented particularly interesting production challenges?

Krystle> I would say the recent project I did with Carbon for the OFFF festival Title Film. I hadn’t ever been involved in a project that leaned so heavily on a mix of CG and design. The overall style was something new to me, and the client was very hands off, allowing us so much freedom. The journey to the finish line had many twists & turns but I think that makes it the perfect project to be really proud of. And it’s picked up a few award wins and nominations, so I can’t complain! 

LBB> Producers always have the best stories. What’s the hairiest / most insane situation you’ve found yourself in and how did you work your way out of it?

Krystle> I’ll need to take specifics to the grave, but I have a few for sure. 6am deadlines & setting alarms to go off every 20 mins so I didn’t fall asleep and miss it. Qcing a spot and noticing a slipped matte, Qcing again and spotting another. Needing to ripple the fix through multiple masters, all within minutes of delivery on a furious turnaround job & keeping the client calm. Rushing to sort previz for a shoot, then the file is never used or opened. No matter the issue, I work through it, & keep calm. Sometimes these things are out of our control. As a producer, you need to see the problem and already be planning the next steps to solve it. 

LBB> What are your personal ambitions or aspirations as a producer?

Krystle> I want to make sure I keep challenging myself and learning. The goal is to keep working on cool stuff, big or small, with great people. And maybe one day I'll cross over to EP.

LBB> As a producer your brain must have a never-ending "to do" list. How do you switch off? What do you do to relax?

Krystle> If I'm feeling a little fancy, I'm a fan of wandering around a museum or gallery, followed by a martini. Dinner with the inner circle can fix a thousand problems! 

LBB> Producers are problem solvers. What personally fuels your curiosity and drive?

Krystle> If I'm being honest, I would say my need to succeed. I’ve worked hard to build my skill and confidence– all the late nights, a few tears, and the challenging projects. Ultimately, I guess we all want to make our mums proud.

LBB> What advice would you give to people who are interested in becoming a producer?

Krystle> Show interest, be proactive and ask the questions! 

And always label you email subject lines correctly! When you are working on 10 projects with emails flying, it’s going to make life hard!

LBB> From your experience what are the ingredients for a successful production? 

Krystle> Dare I say time, money and quality? We all know it's rare to have all three, but I think it helps for everyone to have the same expectations. Whether that means acknowledging no time or no budget, everyone should be heading toward raising the bar with the best tools they have. 

The goal for all is to produce something fabulous that you’re proud of. You just need to make sure everyone is heading to the finish line together.  

LBB> What’s the key to a successful production-client relationship?

Krystle> Honesty and a good posting schedule! Having a little bit of banter helps too – becoming friends along the way helps to get over some of the biggest hurdles. 

Work from Carbon
Still Smell Good
Every Man Jack
Throw Some Takis In It
Be More Here