Lez Rudge is a world renowned colourist and creative director at Assembly Post Production, who has worked on countless award winning television commercials, as well as music videos and feature films.
Lez> I was a runner at a post house in Singapore when I first saw someone loading 35mm film onto a telecine machine - I was fascinated and wanted to find out more. When it was explained to me that a colourist had the ability to alter and beautify live video images I knew that’s what I wanted to pursue, being someone who’s always loved photography.
Lez> The beauty about grading is that it’s so variable and no two jobs are the same. There’ve been big budget Super Bowl spots that I loved working on as much as powerful/ moving PSA’s that maybe have had small budgets but had powerful narratives.
Lez> I have been fortunate enough to work globally, from Singapore to Australia to the US - it’s definitely been a rich canvas to keep trying to improve myself.
Lez> The 1st thing I do is to watch it down several times, to truly appreciate what the creatives, director, DP and editor were trying to visualise. Understanding the tone for me is the key as to how best to apply a look that helps amplify the desired emotion.
Lez> I am a massive fan of filmmaking, I love the art of cinema, production value, beautiful photography, visceral reactions to what’s seen on screen are highly inspiring. I am also a big lover of music, of all genres, from old blues, 40s big bands, hip-hop, indie to current pop - I love what I intrinsically react to, I never make excuses for liking something - there are no ‘guilty pleasures’ for me.
Lez> I can’t single out a specific technique, again I find grading to be a very organic process, it all depends on the footage in front of me and what’s the end objective. Great DPs/Cinematographers can make anything look beautiful, irrespective of the format it’s shot on.
Lez> As I had said earlier, the key to a great grading session is to first figure out what the objectives of the project are - my job as a colourist is to enhance and strengthen the vision of what was initially conceived by the agency and then the director.
Lez> For me the key has always been having an open mind - it works both ways - showing clients something they might not have thought of and on the flip side, having someone suggest a direction I might not have thought of and realising it might be a better approach.
Lez> Being open to ideas, and having a willingness to try different looks, but my biggest tip would be for them to listen, have pride in what you’re doing, but don’t get to a point where you become obstinate and closed to ideas.
Lez> A great grade is when the look enhances and strengthens the narrative and emotion desired. When a grade becomes distracting and unnecessary, it’s counter productive
Lez> As with almost all creative fields, accessibility to tools have dramatically changed and become much more available. However, just as with any other craft, having the tools doesn’t instantly make one a craftsman/ woman - it’s about the vision and application of creativity & taste.