A disgruntled group of young Lucky Generals have created a cheeky initiative called #TrumpStinks to protest the US president’s visit to the capital.
The group claims that “Britons need to protect themselves from the president’s poison” so it is offering free face masks and boiler suits, emblazoned with the message #TrumpStinks.
Anyone wanting to get involved prior to the anti-Trump March on 4th June can simply visit
www.trumpstinks.co.uk and order free #TrumpStinks gas masks, #TrumpStinks hazmat suits and #TrumpStinks stickers to wear on the march to demonstrate their disrespect.
As well as the website, the team will be handing out masks to local businesses surrounding the protest route. On the day of the march itself, more masks will be given out and celebrities and protestors will be asked to tweet their pics of support with the #TrumpStinks hashtag. There will also be sponsored social posts promoting the website.
Minnie Vaughan, leader of #TrumpStinks, said: “There are a lot of reasons people despise Donald Trump. From locking up children to feeling up women, there is one thing everyone on that march will agree on: #TrumpStinks. Which is why, ahead of his visit, we’ve made thousands of masks to protect the people of the UK against Trump and his toxic hot air. This campaign has no affiliation to any organisation or brand, we just wanted to help people make their views known.”