Awards and Events in association withCreative Circle

Lowe Lintas And Partners Set To Host Portfolio Night In Mumbai

Advertising Agency
Mumbai, India
12th edition of the Portfolio Night sees Lowe hosting in Mumbai

If there is anything that makes a significant difference to the profession of advertising, it has to be the young creative talent. And it has been a constant endeavor of Lowe Lintas and Partners to encourage and bring in raw, young creative talent to the shores of Indian advertising. And that’s what Portfolio Night™, a global portfolio review and recruitment event is all about. In its simplest form, Portfolio Night is a platform for young creative aspirants to have their work sampled by at least 3 top Creative Directors from the industry in one evening. In the process they not only get feedback and advice, but if they are good enough, they might land up a job as well. It is conducted on the same date in more than 20 cities all over the world every year.

Given the significance of encouraging and motivating new talent in our industry, the mantle of organizing the 12th edition of Portfolio Night in Mumbai has been taken up by Lowe Lintas and Parners. This is for the second time that Lowe Lintas is hosting Portfolio Night in India.

With this announcement, Lowe Lintas and Partners calls upon young creative professionals from advertising, digital & design agencies and senior students of art colleges from across the country to be a part of the world's largest advertising portfolio review-cum-recruitment event.

Founded by IHAVEANIDEA in 2003 and now presented by Art Directors Club, New York the 2014 Portfolio Night 12 event will be held simultaneously in more than 20 participating cities worldwide.

City Hosts are a mix of agencies, ad clubs and educational institutions. Each City Host is responsible for bringing together the top creative directors in its city with up-and-coming advertising talent; which will provide junior talent with the opportunity to learn from the best, and to provide leading industry creative directors with a chance to mentor and give back to the advertising industry.

With 25 top CDs from the industry slated to attend and review the work of young, enthusiastic and creative, this highly anticipated evening will unite advertising and design communities in every continent as the next generation of creative talent makes an exciting foray into the industry. 

The idea is to not just create a platform for young talent, but to also actively look for the unique, different and gifted. It acquires tremendous significance as there are limited opportunities for the young creative to discover opportunities in the industry. This is one way with which they not only get one but three opportunities in one evening.

For the review process, aspirants will be divided into three batches and every aspirant will be given a chance to get his/her portfolio reviewed by three Creative Directors. Each Creative Director will meet 3 candidates individually for 15 minutes and review their work, ideas and offer them feedback.

The best Portfolio out of the lot will be identified as ALL STAR and will be flown to New York to take part in a week long creative challenge on a specific brief.

“Advertising has been the nesting place for too many media related professions. And we have lost people to these newer options. PN is also a great platform for young people to discover the joys of advertising. And since we have to cast this net wider PN should only get bigger!” said Amer Jaleel NCD Lowe Lintas and Partners.

Arun Iyer, NCD, Lowe Lintas and Partners said, “It’s a great opportunity for Lowe Lintas to give back to the community and the industry of advertising. We would want young creative guys to come in and get the chance to talk to some of the best known CDs in the country. Not only to get a sense of what the real world is all about, but also for the encouragement that they deserve and opportunities that advertising offers.”

Work from MullenLowe Lintas Group
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