While overall media consumption remains elevated compared to pre-Covid-19 levels, there have been drops in consumers’ use of live TV, social media, video-on-demand, radio, video streaming, music streaming and podcasts in the last month, according to the latest Havas Media Group Covid-19 Media Behaviours Report.
The ninth iteration of Havas Media Group’s Covid-19 Media Behaviours Report, a research study into consumer behaviour and media consumption based on a survey of 1,472 UK respondents, reveals that over the last four weeks, there has been a 6% net decrease in those claiming to watch more live TV than they did prior to lockdown. There has also been a 3% net decrease wave-on-wave in those claiming to visit social media sites more than they did before the Covid-19 outbreak, as well as a 3% net decrease for music streaming, a 2% net decrease for streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, and 1% net decreases for video-on-demand platforms, radio and podcasts.
The only media types to have seen increases in consumption over the last four weeks are newspapers and magazines (either in print or online) – both with a 1% net increase wave-on-wave in those claiming to read them more than they did prior to lockdown.
Eva Grimmett, chief strategy officer, Havas Media Group, said: “It’s been four weeks since we last looked at the UK’s media consumption during Covid-19, and during that time there have been notable declines in the consumption of many media channels, as people begin to return to some form of normality. However, there’s some positive news for newspaper and magazine brands, a sector that has been hugely impacted by the pandemic, with small increases in consumption over the last month.”