Kitcatt Nohr Digitas has been appointed by Dogs Trust, the largest dog welfare charity in the UK to its £5m CRM, TV, print and direct business.
The appointment comes at a time when all charities are facing an uphill battle for donations.
UK charitable donations dropped a fifth last year as the tough financial climate took its toll on donors' giving power, a survey by the Charities Aid Foundation and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations published in November 2012 showed.
The total sum given to UK charities fell by 20% in real terms, from £11bn to £9.3bn during 2011-12 - the largest drop in the survey's eight-year history.
As a result, a growing focus is on finding new and innovative ways to encourage supporters to part with funds.
"Dogs Trust has consistently had one of the most innovative and successful fundraising opportunities in the market," says Kitcatt Nohr Digitas Chief Executive Officer Marc Nohr.
"It is a huge compliment to be asked to help them take it up a level."
“Whilst we’ve grown enormously in the last decade, Dogs Trust still has ambitious plans for the future. Realising those plans will mean raising significant amounts of extra income in a very competitive environment. We believe that Kitcatt Nohr Digitas has the innovative culture needed to meet the challenges ahead”. Adrian Burder, Marketing Director, Dogs Trust.