NERD Productions teamed up with Havas London to take Citroën on a road trip through time and beautiful landscapes, in this dazzling film directed by animation director Shay Hamias that pays homage to the Citroën Mehari.
Shay says: ‘’This project could not have come at a better time. In 15 seconds, we’ve been able to tell the story of a journey around the world. Exploring (while working from home) the different places our two protagonists visited back then, was a real treat considering this year’s ongoing travel restrictions.’’
This based-on-a-true-story charmingly crafted piece follows two friends on their venture around the world from 1972 to 1985 in their much-loved Citroën Mehari.
From the iconic US Route 66, all the way to the world’s heritage Serengeti Park in Tanzania, the dreamy animation commercial has a wonderfully nostalgic feel to it.
Shay added: "The overall aesthetic throws us back to the heydays of vintage travel posters that I have always liked; it was the perfect fit for my illustration style. The uniqueness of each scene was a joy to design. I particularly enjoyed showing the most gorgeous places and dropping subtle clues to the viewer, giving them an idea of where our two companions are on their journey around the globe."