Luxury brand Davidoff Cigars has appointed Johnny Fearless, the London-based creative start up, to its global advertising account.
Johnny Fearless is appointed alongside Dew Gibbons Design, which takes responsibility for the global brand design of Davidoff Cigars. The appointments were made following a four-way pitch, as the brand looks to update its image and marketing communications. The pitch process was overseen by Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Global Marketing and Innovation at the Oettinger Davidoff Group.
Johnny Fearless has a brief to develop global advertising, running in print and online, as well as developing digital content for the brand. Dew Gibbons Design will be leading the packaging design for the Davidoff Cigars range.
The account also covers experiential based marketing, point-of-sale materials for Davidoff Cigars retailers and some work on Davidoff Cigars store design.
Charles Awad, said: "We were delighted with the combination of design excellence and a truly inspirational advertising idea presented by the teams. We are looking forward to the start of a great working relationship".
Neil Hughston at Johnny Fearless, said: “Davidoff Cigars is one of those luxury brands with a long, illustrious past, but that at the same time is looking at the future and how it can reach an audience that might not traditionally set foot in a Davidoff store. We’re really excited about working with them to make this happen.”
The CHF 1.3 billion Oettinger Davidoff Group with almost 4,000 employees around the world, traces its roots back to 1875 and remains family owned to this day with two distinctly different businesses: one that is focused on FMCG distribution in the Swiss market and one dedicated to the core business of producing, marketing and retailing premium branded cigars, tobacco products and accessories. The premium branded cigar business include Davidoff, AVO, Camacho, Cusano, Griffin’s, Private Stock, Zino, Zino Platinum and Winston Churchill Cigars. The Oettinger Davidoff Group is anchored in a strong “crop-to-shop” philosophy, having pursued a vertical integration from its tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic and Honduras to its world wide network of 65 Davidoff Flagship Stores.