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Jesús Revuelta Leaves FCB&FIRe Spain Amidst Covid-19 Crisis

Advertising Agency
Madrid, Spain
Having spearheaded previous transformations at Ogilvy Costa Rica and MRM//McCann Madrid, the creative whose formative years were spent at DoubleYou Barcelona is aspiring to tackle new challenges that will allow him to 'make a contribution and develop new skills.'

In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, Jesús Revuelta will be cutting ties with the agency where he worked as chief creative officer and member of the Global Creative Council, in the understanding that the departures that are taking place will help to maintain job vacancy numbers, and convinced that the creative transformation “is already on track with the talent, team and culture we have been introducing.”

During the past two and a half years, the agency has generated increased creative relevance, with results among which, in qualitative terms, it is worth noting:

- Successful pitch for the global launch of the third season of Money Heist (La Casa de Papel) for Netflix Global, against competition from Wieden+Kennedy and AKQA.

- Recommending and effectively bringing about the elimination of palm oil from the entire production of Trapa Chocolates and undertaking a campaign of corporate activism in the Indonesian rainforest to publicise it, an initiative that substantially expanded the chocolate company’s business.

- Successful pitch with Nike and FC Barcelona for the global launch of their new kit.

- Working with Maxxium (Beam Suntory) and Warner Music on the entertainment area.

- 2019 marked the agency’s best tally of awards at creativity festivals in the 55 years the FCB network has been operating in Spain.

Jesús Revuelta expresses excitement at what the future holds, as it is “an ideal time to face the blank page, because some shifts are taking place simultaneously, and both the drive to make things happen, along with strategic, provocative and unconventional thinking, are in greater demand than
ever both at agencies and beyond. Areas we have been exploring in recent years such as entertainment, digital, sustainability and initiatives with a social impact, are picking up pace due to the Covid-19 crisis. Now it’s a question of connecting the dots, calmly bringing together curiosity, values and purpose”, he explains, adding that “paradoxically, shut up at home we’re more open to the rest of the world than ever, so now it may be easier to work for any part of the planet from Madrid or Barcelona”.

Named Best Spanish Advertising Professional under 35 by the CdeC (Club de Creativos de España) presidents in 2018, Revuelta feels he can depart the company “his mind at ease” given he is leaving the department in the hands of a team whose complete overhaul was one of his missions
during the period.

Speaking about the era drawing to a close, he notes that it has been an “very enriching” period during which he put in “my upmost”, admitting it has been “a privilege to have formed part of the fantastic teams at both in Spain and the Global Creative Council” led by Susan Credle, Fred
Levron and Luis Silva Dias, among others. It is Luis Silva Dias, CEO and CCO at FCB International, who stresses that “Jesus is not only an
accomplished, highly-awarded, profoundly professional creative leader, he is at the forefront of our industry, skilled in both brand and audience building.

While at FCB&FIRe, Jesus was able to present some of the most innovative campaigns in the Spanish market and we’ve learned to always expect the highest standards from him and his teams. Very grateful for his contribution, I join the leadership team of FCB&FiRe in wishing him the very best in his coming endeavours”. Rodrigo Figueroa Reyes, meanwhile, founding partner and CEO of FCB&FiRe comments that "Jesús is goal-hungry. Like any striker worth his salt, he has a killer instinct and is always on the look-out to score. A member of a species that hunts for glory with insistence and intensity, Jesús wins your love, and he leaves his mark at FCB&FiRe due to his talent and dedication. I have absolutely no doubt that a brilliant future lies ahead of him."

Pablo Muñoz, partner and CEO of FCB&FiRe Spain admits that: “when we started to work together in January 2018, I said I felt I had found my creative partner in Jesús. And I still think the same today. Jesús has attained all the goals we set ourselves, raising the creative reputation of the
agency and consolidating a team that shares our vision of the future 100%. But, most important of all, during these years, I have discovered that he is not just a magnificent creative, he is an even better person. I wish him every success, which he will undoubtedly achieve. He deserves it.”

More work by Jesús:

'An Unrepeatable Photograph' (Trapa Chocolates) 

Beyond Money (Santander)

My Court (Nike)

Work from FCB/FRST
An unrepeatable photograph?
TRAPA Chocolates
An unrepeatable photograph?
TRAPA Chocolates