Stink Film's roster director Jared Hogan has directed a new video for H.C McEntire's single Baby’s Got the Blues”.
Here's what the director had to say about the music video's production.
"In talking with Heather, we knew that we wanted this video to touch on universal wounds of depression and suffering, but established in a more poetic narrative. We also knew we wanted family and community play a integral role. All of the subjects in the video are connected to Heather’s life in one way or another and that was very important to us. The song strikes this balance between darkness and hope, and we wanted the video to do the same". Said Hogan.
Pitchfork stated: "Released on Merge Records, the singer-songwriter’s debut is a gorgeous devotional to the South that reshapes the traditions of country music into a powerfully queer and consequential set of songs".