People in association withLBB Pro

In Conversation With Isobar’s Steph Wulz

Advertising Agency
New York, USA
Associate creative director explains her biggest career accomplishment to date and why the TikTok community inspires her

Our latest employee spotlight features DENTSU CREATIVE US's Steph Wulz who hit a bucket list item during her tenure with the agency. Read on to find out what it was! 

Q> Tell us about your favorite project you’ve worked on and why?

Steph> I love when all the various disciplines on a project team are in the zone together. My favorite project had that perfect mix of magic. UX was creating something new and unique and passing it off to the creative team to elevate the idea. The developers were brainstorming new ways to bring everything up a notch and our management were great communicators with our client. The build in energy is what makes everyone excited to produce this collaborative vision, and when you have it, it's just the best environment to create in. 

Q> What is your biggest career accomplishment thus far? 

Steph> I created a bucket list when I first joined the industry. One of the items was to become an Associate Creative Director before I turned 30. It was a big goal, and I’m so happy to be able to hold that title with a few months to spare before my next big chapter. Why 30? Good question. I think I’m a goal-oriented person. Setting those goals early on when I started working inspired me to work hard and see if I could do it. I had friends at work who accomplished similar positions by 30, and I was so happy for them. It was like unlocking a new level of a game. They worked so hard and put so much into their craft. And while I didn’t know if it would happen for me, I realized there was no harm in shooting for something big! 

Q> Tell us about your career path. 

Steph> I started in 2014 as a Visual Design Intern in the Isobar Chicago office. Seven and a half years later and a few title changes, I'm still here. The big change for me was shifting back to the east coast in 2020 and moving from our Chicago office to our New York office. 

Q> What advice would you give to your younger self? 

Steph> "Enjoy the process." So much of what we do is in the process. The art of creating presentations, justifying design decisions, obsessing over spacing, working with the client to achieve a combined vision—it's all part of the mix. And sometimes it's easy, and other times it's hard. Reminding myself to slow down and enjoy the process has allowed me to stay present and take it all in, each day at a time. 

Q> What is something that inspires you?

Steph> The TikTok community. I love the improvisational "yes, and" nature of the entire platform and how quick people are to build upon ideas to create something new and different. 

Q> What is the most interesting job you’ve ever had? 

Steph> In high school, I worked at a family-owned DVD rental store called “Talk of the Town Video.” We didn't make much money, but it opened my eyes to the world of film and taught me to never walk away from a microwave with popcorn in it. 

Q> What’s the best compliment you have ever received? 

Steph> Someone told me if they were born again, they would love to be born with my speaking voice. It's the nicest thing I've ever been told. 

Q> One thing that makes you happy? 

Steph> Jumpsuits. 

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