Creative in association withGear Seven

How You Can Donate Motherhood Through Jam3 And John St.'s 'Surrogaid'

Advertising Agency
Toronto, Canada
OPC and War Child take on slacktivism in new campaign

What if you could help mother children in war-affected areas? What if you could virtually reach out and literally provide them the warmth of a mother’s hug? Or rock them to sleep from the safety of your couch? With today’s launch of War Child Canada's latest campaign promoting the fictional NGO, now you can.

Leveraging TV, radio, out-of-home and online advertising, the newly rolled out campaign promises to allow mothers here to literally feed, comfort and care for children there – all with just a few simple clicks online. 

However, when visitors actually attempt to connect to a live Surrogaid stationed abroad, they’ll be delivered the campaign’s payoff: “You can’t donate motherhood. But you can donate money”.

“We wanted to make it seem plausible that you could donate the act of motherhood online”, says Stephen Jurisic, ECD of john st. advertising. “But of course you can’t. Only real mothers in these war-affected countries can provide their children with that.”

"It’s so easy to get caught up in the 'Kickstarter craze' these days," remarks Adrian Belina, partner & creative director at Jam3. "But as wonderful as all these new technologies are, they can’t solve every problem."

James Topham of War Child Canada says, “We thought this was a fresh way to remind people just how important mothers are to the healthy development of children - particularly in the context of war. And that the best way to support them is still the easiest – by donating money.”

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, War Child is hoping the campaign will connect with Canadians as motherhood comes top of mind. As Mr. Topham says, “By supporting motherhood you’re helping protect childhood, which is War Child’s primary mission. And one that’s only made possible when people give.”

The campaign was created by international award-winning agency john st., and directed by Jono Hunter of OPC with the interactive web experience developed by Jam3.


Agency: john st.

Executive Creative Director: Stephen Jurisic, Angus Tucker

Art Director: Marie Richer

Copywriter: Jamie Umpherson

Producer: Cas Binnington

Account Service: Laura Rodriguez

Strategic Planning: Laura Robbins

Production: OPC

Director: FamilyStyle (Jono Hunter)

Executive Producers: Harland Weiss, Donovan Boden, Liz Dussault

Producer: Isil Gilderdale

DP: Brett Van Dyke

Art Director: Brad Wilson

Digital Production: Jam3

Creative Director: Adrian Belina

Executive Producer: Graham Budd

Producer: Greg Benedetto

Designer: Vinicius Araujo

Director of Creative Technology: Mikko Haapoja

Tech Lead: Aaron Morris

Developer: Elliot Kwan

Developer: Alvaro Lemus

Offline House: School Editing

Editor: Mark Morton

Assistant Editor: Lauren Piche

Transfer: Alter Ego

Colourist: Conor Fisher

Online House: Fort York VFX

Executive Producers:  Erin Kuttner & Amanda Lariviere

Online Artists:  Ernie Mordak, Andrew Rolfe

Online Assistant:  Jason Pereira

Audio House: Apollo Studios

Post-Audio Producers: Tom Hutch, Benedicte Leclere

Music Producers: Yan Dal Santo, Daenen Bramberger

Composer/Engineer: Harry Knazan

Composer/Sound Designer: Armen Bazarian

Casting: Jigsaw Casting Ltd

Casting Director: Shasta Lutz, CDC

Illustration: Clint Ford

Printing: Category5

Media Partner: Grassroots Advertising

Public Relations: Social Lab (David Jones)

Public Relations: AJ Media (Alyssa Siegel)

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