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How to Stay Healthy in Cannes According to the Lions Health Jurors

London, UK
Cannes Lions Health jurors from Ogilvy, Publicis Health, DDB Remedy, FCB Health, TBWA\Worldhealth, Saatchi & Saatchi and DigitasLBi reveal all

Cannes Lions tends to be a pretty heavy experience for most involved. Late nights on the Carlton Terrace necking magnums of rosé, endless parties, lack of sleep… and we won’t even mention the Gutter Bar. It can all take its toll if you’re not careful and well prepared. With that in mind, LBB’s Addison Capper caught up with probably the fittest and most clued up folks in town, the Lions Health jurors, to find out their top tips for staying on fighting form for the entire week. 

Andre (Dede) Laurentino, Global ECD for Unilever, Ogilvy

I write this with bloodshot eyes after a 12-hour judging session, while having a bar of chocolate from the minibar in my hotel room. Not the image of health. So my first advice is: do as I say, not as I do. And here’s what I say: 

- Drink rosé while you’re still ordering it in your own language. The minute you start to ask for it in French without an accent is the time to stop. 

- There’s a cheeky voice inside your head that turns up at 3am at the Gutter Bar. It usually says, “Stay another 5 minutes”. Ignore it, that voice isn't your friend.

- Don’t oversleep. Cannes is better when your eyes are wide open.

- Water is technically a drink too.

Carlos Ricque, SVP, Creative, DigitasLBi

DRINK LOTS OF GRAPE JUICE. You’ve seen the articles touting the benefits of fruit juice. Vitamins! Anti-oxidants! But grapes are hard to carry with you, and will shrivel up in the hot sun. I’ve found that if you know where to look, restaurants occasionally carry bottled grape juice that will do the trick. It’s not always the freshest – in fact sometimes it’s so aged that it’s started to ferment. (The French - what can you do?) But if you can get past the acidity and bright, full-bodied flavour you’ll be able to choke it down. It helps to have it with some fresh vegetables and a nice piece of fish.

Alexandra von Plato, Group President, Publics Health

Wine at lunch is important. A lot of Americans have given up the practice of drinking at lunch. At Cannes, it’s just warming up for the evening. It’s best to show up to Cannes in fighting shape. Quit drinking a few days before so your liver is fresh when you arrive. Once in Cannes you need to pace yourself by having a glass of rosé at lunch so you can be appropriately French. So, dry yourself out before you come and pace yourself so you can sip rose into the night while you are there.

Rich Levy, Chief Creative Officer, FCB Health

Power Walking. Keep in shape by power walking the five kilometres from the Palais to the Gutter Bar. The world record is two minutes and four seconds. But that was carrying a double magnum of rosé.

Veronica Trujillo Garcia, Area Creative Director, TBWA\Worldhealth, Mexico

GET A BLANKET! You will spend hours seeing a lot of interesting and inspiring creative work (some difficult to understand) in a very dark room with the air conditioning below your body temperature. To combat this, you must have a blanket, sweater or pashmina – otherwise you will get so cold that your fingers and your lips start to look a little bit blue and your body will be shaking. Or, at worst you catch a cold on the French Riviera, and that would be a pity.

Martin Hafley, Creative Director, DDB Remedy

My top tip for staying healthy in Cannes is to use ‘the pink wine’ in moderation. It smells like wine, and looks like wine, but the rainbow colour gives it awesome fantastical properties. Do not trust it. One glass makes you a slick networker, entertaining the crowd like a polished compere. One bottle, and you’ll be holding onto the shoulder of your ‘new best friend’, telling them how a Grand Prix is yours next year. Any more than one bottle, and it’s probably best to take yourself off home, with or without your new best friend.

Jason Romeyko, Global Executive Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi Geneva, Switzerland

I have made multiple attempts at staying healthy during Cannes Lions.

I tried the "one glass of wine two glasses of water" trick. It didn't work. I was consistently blotto then  apologetic.

I gave the daily 6am 10km jog along the beach a go but always came back sunburnt.

Last year, hiring a Boot Camp instructor for our villa seemed like a terrific idea until I almost had a heart attack and embarrassed myself in front of my team and my older brother visiting from Australia. Awkward!

I even flew my cat Bauer out to the Riviera (I really did) because animals are meant to absorb stress and make you feel better. But I freaked out when he found himself a "girlfriend" and couldn't be found for 3 hours.

So this year, as a juror on the Health & Wellness jury, I have just decided to smile, drink and go with the creative flow.

This year up for selection in Health Lions, Jason is most proud of his work for Deutsche Telekom's "Sea Hero Quest"- the world's first mobile game which helps scientists fight dementia.