Thought Leaders in association withPartners in Crime

How The Super Bowl is Giving The Ad Industry Hope

Production Company
San Francisco, USA
INFLUENCER: Kaboom Productions' Lauren Schwartz on how high-profile ads can help bring us together in the age of Trump

My last blurb on LBB was about how much 2016 sucked, what with the newly elected US president (aka reality TV star who knows nothing about running a country). Now I am back at it talking about the Super Bowl ads. 

What is interesting to me about the ads that run during the Super Bowl is how many people actually tune in just to view the commercials; they don’t care so much about the game…it’s the ads. Honestly, it’s a glimmer of hope I have that our industry is not dying a slow painful death…what with all the ways to “skip” commercials and all the people out there carrying around an iPhone and calling themselves directors. 

The reason people watch the ads for the Super Bowl is that they are usually good creative (not always; usually) and people actually like and genuinely appreciate well-crafted spots. They don't have to cost a ton of money; they don’t have to feature any high profile celebrity (in fact, that’s the lazy way to get eyeballs on the screen), they don’t have to have a helicopter shot or an intense car chase. They just have to be good, solid creative. And when commercials are smart and well done, people watch them…and they watch them again and again. They don’t watch them on repeat because they are in the business -- they just like them. They will even spend time at work the next week talking about what they liked and what they didn’t. It’s the one time our business gets elevated to “film” status, in that the public cares about the work we do and actually spends some of their precious time reflecting on which spot was the funniest and which made them cry.

My mom is a perfect example: She never wants to skip commercials, and not just during the Super Bowl. She tells me commercials are her favourite part of TV and, when we are together, will often pull me aside to watch an ad that she likes. Often I will find her crying if it is a poignant or sentimental ad (a few classic Hallmark ads come to mind). She gives me hope about our business. Because she is drawn in by well-done TV advertising, just like the millions of people who say “yes” to a Super Bowl party invite so they can watch the great commercials (and go to the bathroom during the game).

So what I say is let’s make every day a Super Bowl. Let’s make it our goal to actually captivate the general public and deliver creative ads that are persuasive or heartwarming or funny and actually get someone to think twice about a brand or a product. Because when it’s done right - it works. All the time and effort we put into making ads and how we slave over every last detail, it makes a difference. 

And with Trump in office now- we all need to make a difference somewhere.

Work from Kaboom Productions
Gevin Fax