Behind the Work in association withThe Immortal Awards

How FCB Launched a Clothing-Lottery Ticket Hybrid

Advertising Agency
Toronto, Canada
FCB executive creative director Leo Barbosa on appealing to younger demographics, collaborating with Mr. Saturday and the challenge of creating a wearable certified lottery ticket, writes LBB’s Josh Neufeldt

Lottery tickets aren’t always the most appealing option for young people. Sure, winning millions of dollars would be a dream come true for anyone, but spending hard-earned cash that could be used for food, rent, or perhaps a piece of clothing on the improbable chance of winning money? It often just doesn’t seem worth it. 

However, LOTTO MAX is aware of this fact and wanted to change its appeal factor. The result was the launch of the ‘Dream Drop’ campaign, in which FCB, LOTTO MAX and Canadian fashion brand Mr. Saturday collaborated to release clothing that was not only fashionable and comfortable, but would entitle the wearer to a free weekly lottery ticket. 

FCB executive creative director Leo Barbosa spoke to LBB’s Josh Neufeldt about this collaborative effort. 

LBB> What was the brief like? What immediate ideas or imagery came to mind when you first saw it?

Leo> Typically, under-35s (U35s) see LOTTO MAX as a product for older people. Less than 14% of sales are from this target, which is not creating a sustainable player base for the category as our core players age out. Our clients asked us to get U35s to be more actively engaged with the brand. So we articulated the creative brief as: get U35s from thinking LOTTO MAX isn’t for them to considering it a viable entertainment option by making it exciting to choose to spend their hard-earned cash on a lotto ticket. 

As our creative team is in this age bracket, it was easy to start imagining what type of other entertainment options our consumers would be interested in, like vacationing, concerts, and fashion. 

LBB> How did you build the campaign strategy?

Leo> Once the high-level idea was sold through, we worked with media, PR, and XM partners to develop the campaign ecosystem. We built a comms plan with four phases: excite, engage, purchase, amplify. We knew influencers were going to play a big role in the teaser phase and that we wanted to launch with a splash at a live experiential event. We also built contingency plans for when the clothing line sold out, so we would still have a relevant message in market during ‘amplify’ - like the digital vault - which is your last chance to get a hoodie that could make you a millionaire.

LBB> You said that FCB facilitated the relationship with Mr. Saturday for this project. How did you get them on board, and what was working with them like?

Leo> We worked with our internal licensing team, Segal Licensing, to review a variety of different potential designers. Mr. Saturday was the top selection as the luxury style really fit with the campaign idea of ‘look like a million bucks and maybe win it too’. We had a few initial calls to discuss the idea and design approach and it felt like a strong collaboration. We were confident the clothing design would be great, so with that we formed the partnership and moved on to the design. 

The entire process was very collaborative. We leaned on them for clothing inspiration and had barely any feedback. While the campaign idea was already set, we collaborated on the video approach and brought production vendors in that everyone was really excited about - to bring to the final piece. 

LBB> What went into the process of Mr. Saturday designing the clothes, and how long did it take?

Leo> There were two main points to be considered: ‘How can it feel authentic for Mr. Saturday and right for LOTTO MAX’ and ‘what is the best way to clearly communicate that these items are also lottery tickets?’. Following the brief with Mr. Saturday, we handed over creative design on the clothing. They know fashion and this demo best, after all. They spent a few weeks on the creative process and we had only very minor feedback on the original design. We knew we wanted hoodies as the big ticket item, but they came back with the full collection to really offer variety. Before we went to press, we got prototypes of each of the items so we could ensure the quality and look represented a luxury millionaire brand.  

LBB> Did your creative team have any influence on the designs?

Leo> The design was a collaborative process where we worked together to ensure the finished collection is authentic to both Mr. Saturday and LOTTO MAX. But part of working with great partners is leaning on them for their expertise, so while we did have feedback here and there on aspects of the collection, it was mostly in our area of expertise - making sure the idea is clearly communicated and that the ticket mechanism is seamless for consumers.

LBB> The worlds of fashion and the lottery don’t cross over too often. What was the process of integrating both into a short advertisement like?

Leo> That’s why the right clothing brand was essential. We needed it to feel premium so the concept of precious goods secured in a vault worked for both the lottery and the clothing, allowing us to keep the communication simple and clear.  

LBB> One of the most striking aspects of the ad is the exit shot of the locked door which quickly transitions through several underground layers before returning to the street. What went into achieving this effect?

Leo> The effect of the camera zooming out of the underground vault was custom built CGI by our production partners Common Good. We wanted to make clear that these items really are extremely valuable. They literally could be worth $70 million, so it doesn’t make sense that they’d be just sitting inside a normal store. It made sense that they’ll be inside a deep underground vault, located right below a convenience store where LOTTO MAX is present. To us, it works so well because it succinctly shows how close that vault is to the point of purchase.

LBB> What was the process of collaborating simultaneously with OLG and Mr. Saturday like? 

Leo> Because we were all very aligned on the vision, it was a very smooth process. The work kept getting better and better, and it really felt like everyone involved had a key role that made a significant difference to the outcome.

LBB> What has the response to the campaign been like? 

Leo> Influencers flocked to the pop-up and everything sold out in no time, with the hoodies going in just five minutes. It’s still early days for full results, but overall the campaign has been deemed a success and we’re excited to see where it takes us in the future. 

LBB> What challenges have you faced when doing this project? How did you overcome them?

Leo> The only hurdle was ensuring that the clothing was also a lottery ticket. As the lottery technology is complex, being designed for multiple games and jurisdictions, we needed to integrate existing technology into the clothing in a safe and secure way. Through collaboration with the customer experience at OLG, FCB and Mr. Saturday, we were able to find a solution that was scannable and secure. 


LBB> The idea of clothing allowing the wearer a weekly lottery ticket is still rather new. Are there plans for a follow-up campaign?

Leo> Connecting with the under-35s target is something that we will need to do on an ongoing basis and we think ‘Dream Drop’ is just the start. We’re excited about the thought that anything U35s are passionate about could actually be a LOTTO MAX ticket so there just might be a ‘Dream Drop 2.0’ down the road…

LBB> Is there anything you’d like to add?

Leo> We have one final chance for consumers to win the much-desired hoodie by cracking into our digital vault:

The site will launch on Monday and users can take one guess a day. Each day, one of the seven digits of the code will be revealed, giving better odds to try and crack the code with each guess. 

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