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How British Businesses Can Help Ukrainians Find Work

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
The UK Advertising Association explain the ways that companies can support skilled individuals both remotely and after they’ve sought refuge in Britain

As the Russian invasion continues into its second month, the global advertising industry has been continuing to find new and relevant ways to support colleagues and friends in Ukraine, as well as those seeking safety beyond the country’s borders. 

Being a neighbouring country, the Polish response has been significant, as we heard from some of our industry contacts there recently. One notable step has been Polish National Association SAR creating a job opportunity platform – – in collaboration with the Ukrainian National Association. This is a platform connecting Ukrainian advertising professionals with employers from other European countries. 

Now, with Advertising Association support, immediate UK job vacancies can be advertised on a remote basis while the UK Government is currently regulating the status for Ukrainians arriving in the UK. is aimed at Ukrainian specialists of our marketing and communication industry looking for new opportunities, whether those are in a foreign country or remote. 

If you are an ad agency, a media agency, a production company, or a client and are recruiting, please head to the link below and post your job vacancies. Advertising Association will be reaching out to its members to do so too and if you can share this link with other relevant companies, please do. 

A spokesperson for the Advertising Association answered some questions that businesses might have about how they can support Ukrainians.

LBB> Why is it important to roll out the SAR scheme beyond Poland and to allow UK advertising businesses to provide jobs for Ukrainians?

Advertising Association> From the outpouring of donations and support voiced by the UK advertising industry, it is clear our colleagues wish to help the Ukrainian advertising community in more direct ways. The roll out of the job opportunity platform to beyond Poland will enable immediate UK job vacancies to be advertised on a remote basis, while the UK government regulates the status for Ukrainians arriving in the UK.  

If roles can be undertaken remotely, we should look to extend our arms across the continent to our colleagues relocating across Europe. Closer to home, as Ukrainian nationals arrive in the UK under government schemes, it makes sense for us to open our doors to those eligible to work here. 

LBB> Based on the employees registered on the AdAid platform, what sorts of employment for UK companies would be most helpful and appropriate for Ukrainians right now?

Advertising Association> There are over 200 vacancies currently advertised on the platform, with locations from Poland to Dusseldorf, Madrid to London with a broad range of roles across the advertising industry. We encourage all UK companies to offer appropriate postings, whether they’re based in London, or have offices in Poland or other European countries, or even can offer remote work. Those affected by the crisis who are seeking work can also post their CVs on the platform for free too.

LBB> What are the biggest considerations that UK businesses who want to help should make?

Advertising Association> Recruiters should note that if they are planning to post a role which would require Ukrainian nationals to be based in the UK, this will be subject to the UK government’s visa requirements. Currently, the Government has two visa schemes available to support Ukrainian nationals leaving the country: the family visa scheme and local sponsorship scheme – you can read more via the AA website. There are also considerations when posting roles intended for Ukrainian nationals to do remotely – such as tax, international data transfer, IP rights and employment rights. We also urge businesses to consult legal advice if they have any questions to ensure these factors are considered before posting. 

LBB> What changes from the government should people look out for that might affect this status?

Advertising Association> We know the UK government will be providing more detailed guidance on the local sponsorship scheme in the coming days, so it’s important that companies check out guidance from the government as the situation unfolds and we will be regularly refreshing the guidance on our site.

LBB> For those unable to offer work, what can people and businesses do to help?

Advertising Association> As our Ukraine hub has been tracking, our advertising colleagues have been supporting fundraising efforts far and wide. Our colleagues at the Advertising Producers Association have raised over £300,000 so far. Publishers across the news industry have been ensuring that factual information is reported and their readers have the opportunity to support those in need – national newsbrands have raised millions of pounds from the public. It’s also important to remember that advertising has a critical role in funding and supporting quality news and the journalists risking their lives to report from the front lines. 

As we have seen from support across our landscape, our community is generous. For those unable to offer work, if you have a spare room or place to stay, the UK government’s local sponsorship scheme to house refugees is a truly brilliant way to offer support to those fleeing the conflict. 

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