Challenges the way people think about future finances
Host have created a new campaign for financial services specialist BT, that sets out to challenge the way people think about their future finances, and motivate them to ‘Prepare for the best’ with BT.
Mark Murray, Chief Marketing Officer at BT Financial Group, comments ‘We want our customers to be prepared - finances don’t have to be complicated and BT’s specialists can help start customers preparing today. The campaign aims to position BT as the accessible expert for super, investments, insurance and financial advice.’
Suzie Shaw, Managing Director of Host Sydney, comments ‘Everyone wants a happy and secure future, which in reality is largely dependent on financial security, yet most people don’t adequately prepare, they just hope for the best. This new campaign for BT aims to get people to actually prepare.”
The campaign features TV advertisements that are set in a positive future and work backwards to the current day, to a moment where the advertisement’s characters began to prepare for the best. The campaign’s creative is supported by content across a new BT website, including a new mobile site, and social media.
BT is also principal partner of the first Australian series of “Masterchef: The Professionals”.
The campaign was creatively supervised and directed by The Glue Society.
The campaign launches 27th January 2013 with a fully integrated campaign including TV, Digital, OOH, Print, POS and social.