Directed by Mark Waring and Anna Mantzaris, Passion Animation Studios has produced a whimsical yet beautifully crafted short for Honest Tea with agency Partners & Spade.
The film encourages people to look at the impact of the decisions we make every day and to show how small actions can add up to big, impactful, inspiring things. Animated in stop motion, the film captures the lush textures and tactile surfaces of a handmade world. To match the natural ethos of Honest, the sets and puppets are all made of natural things – felt, card, paper, wool, cotton and wood.
The film places a mother at the centre of the story and shows all of the big (and positive) impacts her choice of Honest Tea can have from reducing sugar in her children’s diet to the farmers getting a fair wage for the ingredients that Honest use.
Anna and Mark’s characters are cute and animated with a sense of humour which brings Honest Tea’s message to life in an engaging way and their use of natural materials makes it feel tactile and relatable.