‘We can’t hide it anymore. We’re in love and we don’t care who knows’, says Oskar Bård, owner & founder of Hobby Film. ‘For years now we’ve been sneaking around, trying to play it cool so it’s a great feeling to finally come out and shout from the rooftops ‘We love you Denmark’.
Hobby Film, features an all-star line up of loved-up directors such as Oskar Bård, Vesa Manninen, Torben Kjelstrup, Magnus Renfors, Jonas Odell, Björn Ruhmann, Sebastian Hedin, Patrik Eklund, Martin Åkerhage, Carl Sundemo, Thea Hvistendahl & Kristofer Ström.
'Denmark has been sending us great scripts and we’re in love. We’ve already produced a bunch of films for brands like Alm.Brand, Telia, Somersby & Business Danmark’, says Tom Rickard, CEO of Hobby Film. ‘We’re currently in pre-production for several others so we’re incredibly excited about the coming future. We’re taking it slow and growing together. It’s a beautiful thing.
The Danish office will be under the local watch of former The Wœrks founder & producer Thomas Veyssière Gram, and is also excited to offer the amazing talents of Hobby Animation as well as their content production wing, Hobby Studio.