High Five in association withThe Immortal Awards

High Five Immortal Contenders: Rory Hamilton on Ireland

Advertising Agency
Dublin, Ireland
Partner and ECD at agency Boys + Girls, Rory Hamilton, wraps up the first week of our Immortal Contenders series with a selection of top Irish work that should be entered into this year's awards

It’s never easy judging other people’s work. You tend to look at it and forget just how difficult it is to make a great campaign, and how many obstacles lie in your way. When it’s someone else's work, as a creative, you assume that they didn’t have the same budget constraints as you did, or the same ridiculous schedule. You imagine that they had no internal politics to navigate and no regulatory bodies to satisfy. But they did, which is why it’s always heartening - and even surprising - to see just how much great work there is out there. Here are my picks...

Barnardos - 'When Cracks Appear'

Agency: The Public House
Production: Pixel Melbourne
Director: John Gavin
Radio Production: RAYGUN
Media Agency: Mindshare

This campaign for Barnardos annoyed me. Not just because I thought that they were our client, but mainly because it was really good. Singularly executed off a powerful idea.

Warner Music and Apple Music - 'Saylists'

Agency: ROTHCO | part of Accenture Interactive

What do you say about something that won a Grand Prix at Cannes? "Well done!" is a start. SayLists is a brilliantly simple idea. But what really makes it incredible is the level of complexity that they must have gone into to execute it this effortlessly. An incredible achievement.

Vodafone - 'The Hidden Pandemic'

Agency: Folk Wunderman Thompson
Media Agency: Carat

Vodafone’s campaign highlighting domestic abuse during the pandemic also does a great job of also demonstrating how to make a great print ad. Simple but unbelievably powerful.

Woodie's - 'New Best Friend'

Agency: ROTHCO | part of Accenture Interactive
Production: Sweetshop
Director: Mark Albiston
Post: tenthree

Woodie's' transformation from soulless DIY warehouse to beloved Irish brand seems complete. I loved their Christmas ad 'Mrs Higgins'. Shot with real heart, it’s a beautiful story which hangs (see what I did there?) on a seamlessly integrated product.

Swim Ireland Drowning Prevention Week - 'Be a Lifesaver'

Agency: Boys+Girls
Production & Sound: Mutiny

Lastly, one of ours. A radio ad that highlights the importance of never taking your eyes off your children when you’re near water. A tough listen, but a crucial message.

Entries to The Immortal Awards are now open and Little Black Book members can make their submissions here today. 

Entries into The Immortal Awards will be accepted until 10th September 2021. There will be no deadline extension. All entries must be made for a commissioning client, and must have first aired, broadcast, displayed, launched or published between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021.  

Every member of LBB is entitled to up to five entries, depending on their membership tier. This year, Bronze members receive one entry, Silver members will receive two entries and Gold members will receive five entries. The full list of rules, including eligibility dates, can be found here.

If you’d like to enter the Immortal Awards but you’re not yet a member of LBB, sign up here today. If you’re already a member and would like to increase your number of entries, you can upgrade your membership here.

Work from Boys+Girls
Red Flag
Horse Power
Now You Know