High Five in association withThe Immortal Awards

High Five Immortal Contenders: Neo Segola on South Africa

London, UK
Chief creative officer at DraftLine Johannesburg, Neo Segola, kicks off our brand new Immortal Contenders edition of High Five with a selection of work she believes should be entered into this year's awards

When I was asked to select some of South Africa’s best work of the last 10 or so months, it was a bit of a challenge to land on this selection. There’s so much great work out there so...not easy to pick only five! I landed on these pieces as my final selection as I feel that they typify what I believe South African creativity to be. It has a specific type of humour that is solely our own. I suspect this is as a result of our dodgy, tumultuous political past. We’ve had to find a common sense of self that was not informed by any of that. Then there’s the innovation. Our work almost always subconsciously needs to solve real problems that are experienced by real South Africans. We have some deep-seated socio-economic challenges that I believe that we, as advertising practitioners as well as the brands we serve, feel a level of responsibility towards contributing to solving them. Then, I love the fact that we don’t fall into the trap of telling European or American stories just because we 'might win at Cannes'. No. We are passionate about our own stories and are passionate about telling them as our authentic selves. And lastly, this selection shows that our work is world-class. And yes, there are a few Cannes winners in there...

Castle Lite - 'Cold Tracker'

Agency: Promise Johannesburg
Production: Thinking Cap Productions
Tech Design: Informed Decisions

Great work comes from great insights. Just by paying attention, the brand was able to identify an opportunity that would not only solve the financial problems of township bar owners , but in turn, solve a fundamental issue that was causing the brand itself to lose its unique selling proposition. Problem? Solution! When clients brief agencies not to make ads but to solve actual business problems, this type of work emerges - brilliant, effective solutions that move the needle.

Carling Black Label - 'Cup of Ages'

Agency: DraftLine Johannesburg
Animation: Platypus
Director: Wesley Makgamatha

Not only was this campaign wildly entertaining for the consumer, it gave back to them what they needed at a time when the pandemic made them feel like everything was being taken away. Worse yet, there were rolling bans on alcohol sales in South Africa, so intrinsic engagement with the brand was limited. This idea is the sweet spot where data meets technology meets creativity (the Venn Diagram to beat all Venn Diagrams), to deliver a fantastic solution to a problem that was precipitated by the pandemic. Innovation, bravery and a solid campaign platform is what ultimately delivered this piece. A great example of how the right sponsorship partnership can be the perfect leverage for the success of a brand - even when you can’t sell product.

Hype Magazine - 'Blame No More'

Agency: TBWA\Johannesburg

Terms like 'victim blaming' and 'rape apologism' have become the topics of social media discussions as more, and more women use their social media platforms to speak out. Does the general public know - particularly men - what these terms really mean? Do they?? This campaign’s visualisation of this bizarre phenomenon where women are blamed for their violation really helps to elevate the issue and define it for those who 'don’t quite know' or are 'just not sure'. But hey everybody! This is literally what blaming rape victims looks like, in case you were wondering! Thank heavens that we have platforms to help us define and showcase that. This piece is simple and to the point. It doesn’t try to say, it just says. What a great piece of work! It drives the point home in the most impactful way imaginable. This piece is the embodiment of the power that advertising has, to become an agent of social change.

Chicken Licken - 'Michael Nyathi'

Agency: Joe Public United
Production: Ola Films

The recreation of this television classic was not done in the typical style that we usually see with parodies. This piece brilliantly took an American classic and localised it (a fabulous nod to its popularity in South Africa in the '80s) to sell chicken. Irreverent, bold and just cool. It goes beyond the function of selling product and just has fun!

Rape Crisis - 'The Rape Page'

Agency: Ogilvy Cape Town

This campaign created a practical and useful solution to a horrific societal problem, through the power of advertising. This is a great ad that will live on as an impactful piece of work for years to come; and that’s what we should all aspire, as creatives, to achieve with the work that we do.

Entries to The Immortal Awards are now open and Little Black Book members can make their submissions here today. 

Entries into The Immortal Awards will be accepted until 10th September 2021. There will be no deadline extension. All entries must be made for a commissioning client, and must have first aired, broadcast, displayed, launched or published between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021.  

Every member of LBB is entitled to up to five entries, depending on their membership tier. This year, Bronze members receive one entry, Silver members will receive two entries and Gold members will receive five entries. The full list of rules, including eligibility dates, can be found here.

If you’d like to enter the Immortal Awards but you’re not yet a member of LBB, sign up here today. If you’re already a member and would like to increase your number of entries, you can upgrade your membership here.