What our industry produces is a take on society. It never stops evolving, and offers us more and more territory to express ourselves and the stories we tell. The five beautiful projects we have selected all have the desire to tell the stories that bring brands and people together, and create a real dialogue and sense of connection between them...
AXA - 'Birders'
Agency: Publicis Conseil
Production: Superette
Director: Sean Meehan
Post: Prodigious x Alterego Post
Music: Prodigious
"This is a far cry from a video of a monkey throwing his shit in your face", as the campaign's creatives say. That's true...but it still beautiful. It's a 'people story' before an 'insurance story', and the brand gets it right. It lets the moment unfold to support its message and its role - it's in the difficult moments that we realise that some things are more important than others.
UNESCO - 'Cookie Factory'
Agency: DDB Paris
Production: Makemepulse
Post: Mikros Image
Nowadays, everybody is really connected and most have an account on social networks, but the same people are always wondering about privacy on the internet. It's being debated. The
Cookie Factory is a really smart way to talk about this subject. Using the cookies that are always the problem of privacy, it allows people to become someone else virtually, and subsequently become anonymous again.
Stromae - 'TV Interview: L’enfer'
This one is not advertising, but the singer Stromae is always creative on his song / album launching. He wrote this song about his depression, named 'L’enfer'. During
his interview at the most popular TV news in France, Stomae promoted his life and new album. The last question from the journalist was about the depression Stromae suffered from few years ago, but instead of giving a classic answer, he started singing 'L’enfer'. The whole song is about how he felt depressed and how people can feel lonely during a depression. He is singing but also playing as an actor to create this incredible moment. A really creative way to talk and make people talk about the taboo problem of depression at coffee time the day after.
Guide Tao - 'Hate to Protect'
Agency: TBWA\Paris
Production: Else
Using the discussion, comments and opinions of people, Tao Guides asked people to become haters to protect nature from mass tourism. It's a perfect way to fit with this important and popular subject for people, by utilising what people do most of the time on the internet anyway: criticise.
APACAUVI - 'One Means of Transport Can Lead to Another'
Agency: MullenLowe France
This campaign is the starting point for a discussion about a cultural and local problem: e-scooter accidents. It makes people react - users, victims, e-scooter brands, public authorities, the media etc. And if it leads to less incivility and more safety measures, then it's a great story!