Creative in association withGear Seven

'HappyBombs' Aim for Social Good

Team One & Vistaprint creatives launch awareness-raising apparel

Phil Henson, Associate Creative Director at ad agency Team One, along with his business partner Keith Manning, Creative Director at Vistaprint, are aiming to turn 'bombs' into a symbol of good through HappyBombs: Apparel that makes an impact. They want to hijack the symbol of conflict, war and terror and turn it into a beacon of peace, love and change. 


Here's how it works: Each month, Phil and Keith identify a worthy cause (e.g. The HALO Trust,, Stop Diabetes) and design a new line of HappyBombs (T-shirts, stickers, prints) inspired by the cause. Then using their social channels, they dedicate the entire month to raising awareness and money to support their work, and half of the profits are then donated to that cause.

Phil and Keith came up with the idea while they were working together at an advertising agency in Boston a few years back. They both have a strong entrepreneurial drive and decided to work together to build a brand of their own that could make a positive difference in the world. They've spent many nights and weekends over the past three years talking, researching, designing and refining the idea along with balancing their day jobs, families, and other life happenings.

To bring HappyBombs to life, Phil and Keith are currently raising money on Indiegogo. They are almost halfway to their goal, and so far the responses and feedback have been extremely positive. Once they raise the needed funds, they will launch with the smiling grenade (OriginalBomb) and begin to roll out new designs each month after that.