Creative in association withGear Seven

Grey Feels the Love for Tencent

Third CNY campaign for communications giant


Grey Beijing has launched its third Chinese New Year campaign for Internet portal Tencent. This year’s spot, which aired on February 9th , follows a married couple who use technology to rekindle the romance in their relationship.

Grey Beijing has been the agency of record for and the Tencent brand group since 2010.  Grey has launched several Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) commercials. The first was ‘Mother’, broadcast in 2011, the second was ‘Brothers’, broadcast in 2012, and ‘Wife’, which completes the trilogy.
The Tencent Trilogy is one of the ‘Famously Effective’ cases created by Grey Beijing – a case study of how the team managed to change the perception and boost the image of a brand, from a small-time instant messaging tool for youngsters, to a major media platform that people engage with. The Trilogy has helped Tencent to reshape and elevate its brand image, and the storytelling projects the brand values which the target audience are able to relate to.
The spot portrays a couple who have stopped communicating with each other and who have lost their intimacy. A comment from an elderly relative at a CNY family dinner leads the husband to recall the early days of their love in a favourite old spot. He sends a message to his wife over popular messenger service WeChat in a bid to recover the romance. From QQ to WeChat, Tencent makes communications easy. It brings people and hearts together regardless of time and distance.
The TVC’s non-cut version lasts five minutes. On top of being broadcasted on CCTV (CCTV’s CNY slot grabs the biggest audience share in China), it has also been uploaded onto their digital channel: . A teaser of the TVC has already been shown on the site, increasing the public anticipation towards the release of the TVC.
Title: TENCENT TVC Trilogy
First airing time: 9th February 2013 (Chinese New Year’s eve)
Media Channel: CCTV (China Mainland)
Agency: Grey Beijing
Managing Director, Grey Beijing: Ivan Yuen
Executive Creative Director: Yue Chee Guan
Grey Beijing Creative Team