Renowned urban knitting duo Knit the City, A.K.A. The Fastener and Deadly Knitshade, will be stitching together a unique collection of street art to transform Brixton today. This unique project is the first in a series of events enabled by Toyota’s ‘Positive Power’ campaign, designed to bring an injection of positivity to the everyday lives of Londoners. Toyota is supplying Prius Plug-in Hybrid vehicles to support a range of activities over the next few weeks, of which this is the first.
Knit the City’s playful approach to street art has been variously called ‘graffiti knitting’, ‘yarnstorming’, ‘yarnbombing’ or ‘guerilla knitting’. Its mission is to inspire and uplift people by transforming urban environments and everyday objects. Ferndale Junction in Brixton is the site for the new Yarnstormers’ installation, which will shroud the area with an artwork crafted from wool.
Toyota's Prius Plug-In Hybrid will transport some 114 meters, 150 balls of yarn and 33700 rows of knitting that has already been completed to the site to form part of the installation. The Prius Plug-In Hybrid can run in electric ‘EV’ for up to 15.5 miles, meaning zero emissions while moving the mountain of yarn.
About the collaboration with Toyota, The Fastener of The Yarnstormers commented: "When Toyota approached us, we were impressed that they wanted to use the environmentally-friendly message of the Prius Plug-In Hybrid to brighten up London, and wanted to imbibe a similar message through our knitting needles."
Deadly Knitshade, speaking about the campaign, said: “Knit the city are about taking hold of forgotten public spaces and giving them soul through their colourful woolly creations. Toyota are the perfect partners to help us spread positivity, bringing a smile to peoples faces and encouraging them to go out and make their own artistic mark on the world.”
Laurence Quinn, Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi, commented: “The Yarn Stormers are a great example of a how a small number of people can create a large amount of positivity, as well as having some fun doing it. We’re glad we could lend our support and be a part of another one of their amazing knitted spectacles.”