In collaboration with convenience store giant Wawa, Blacklist's Golden Wolf created two spots celebrating Wawa's Hoagiefest Summer of Love. ‘Crank’ and ‘Summer’ weave a psychedelic summer festival vibe anchored by the Hoagieman, a multitalented and mustachioed purveyor of subs.
The soundtrack by Steve Sherlock, a founding member of pop punk legends Nerfherder, gives each piece an added dose of sunshine. The tracks are the perfect accompaniment to Golden Wolf’s exuberant animation, which was done with a mix of traditional and 3D techniques. According to Golden Wolf Creative Director Ingi Erlingsson, traditional cel animation was the perfect fit for the brief, and the addition a 3D camera allowed for the lysergic perspective shifts and transitions that make the spots extra groovy.
Agency: The Richards Group
Producer: Chelle McDonald
Creative Director: Judy Wright
Art Director: Lauren Danford
Copywriter: Bennett Holloway
Art Director: Kristen Scialo
Copywriter: Tara Kirk
Production Company: Blacklist
Executive Producer: Andrew Linsk
Producer: Alexander Unick
Director: Golden Wolf
Creative Director: Ingi Erlingsson
Art Director: Ewen Stenhouse
Producer: Ant Baena
Design: Ewen Stenhouse, Marie Ecarlat, Bali Engle, Phillip 'Biff' Smith
Animation Lead: Jonathan Harris
Animation: Ewen Stenhouse, Tim Whiting, Carlos De Faria, Sean Weston, Daniela Negrin, Iria Lopez, Blanca Martinez de Rituerto, Frankie Swan, Thomas Knowler, Hannah Lau-Walker, Olly Montagu
Compositing: Stefan Falconer, Pablo Lozano, Mattias Breitholtz, Ross McDowell