Creative in association withGear Seven

Getty Images Launches 'Altered States' Gallery

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London, United Kingdom
Collection includes work from Getty's award-winning array of photographers

Getty Images Gallery is delighted to announce the launch of ‘Altered States’, the latest exhibition at its Oxford Circus gallery.

The collection, which includes work from Getty Images’ award-winning array of photographers, as well as some of Europe’s most-esteemed rising photographic talent, including Felicity McCabe, Alma Haser and Mads Perch, explores the future of imagery and the impact technology has had on photography. 

The exclusive exhibition will present three key aesthetic trends that Getty Images international creative team has identified based on its global research, exploring the impact and influence these will have on the future of photography and video. The trends that are presented are: ‘Mutant Nature,’ which focuses on mankind’s turbulent relationship with the environment; ‘Merging Mediums,’ which unites tactile crafts with photography, introducing a hand-crafted, tangible complexity to the process of image-making, pulling away from the perfection of digital; and ‘Future Unknown,’ which conveys a shift away from nostalgia as photographers harness new technology to drive a creative revolution.

The 26-image exhibition looks at the social and environmental circumstances that underpin the emergence of these trends, expanding upon the photographs and ideas recently published in Getty Images’ Creative in Focus book – an annual yearbook forecasting visual trends for the year ahead, produced by Getty Images’ international team of art directors and visual anthropologists.

Andy Saunders, Senior Vice President, Creative Content at Getty Images says: “As technology and the way we engage with it continues to evolve, the influence on creativity and image making cannot be overstated. Technology is having a transformative impact on visuals and what photographers are both aiming and able to achieve. Through this visually stunning exhibition, we want to give a flavour of how technology is pushing that change, as well as interpreting the social and environmental factors that have led to the emergence of these trends.”

Click here to view a preview of imagery which will be on display as part of the exhibition.

The exhibition runs from 15 April 2015 to 9 May 2015 and admission is free. Getty Images Gallery is situated in central London, close to Oxford Circus.  Opening hours are from 10.00am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday and 12.00 to 5.30pm Saturday.