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Get to Know... VFX Producer Adam Vickers

Post Production
London, UK
Creative Outpost sits down with latest recruit Adam Vickers to find out about his VFX experiences

Today Creative Outpost meet up with Adam Vickers, the latest addition to the at Creative Outpost. Creative Outpost will be finding out about his experiences working at the top of his field, discovering secret tips and insider knowledge.

Drum roll please... Enter: Adam Vickers!

Q> Tell us a bit about your background. How did you get into post-production?

Adam> ​Watching, writing and making films from a young age progressed into a film production degree, which gave me loads of time to practise with professional kit. I swapped cameras for projectors when I worked as a projectionist in my local cinema, gaining a ton of useful technical knowledge about frame rates, resolutions, ratios and file formats. Armed with a head full of knowhow about the entire process; from idea to presentation, I slid into post production quite naturally.

Q> ​When did you know this would be your path, was there a lightbulb moment?

Adam> ​More of a lightbulb decade. I had no idea that in the years between finishing school and working in post production, I was actually gathering the various skills that I needed. It all came to a point when I was offered an opportunity and I realised I was inadvertently qualified!

Q> ​What would surprise people the most about what falls under your title?

Adam> ​I think just the sheer variety of the types of people you interact with. From fellow producers to directors, photographers, clients, creatives, operators, engineers, even the odd celebrity.

Q> ​Can you name some recent projects you enjoyed working on?

Adam> ​The majority of my past work was for social media, so I still get a buzz working on TVC projects; the most recent being for Montblanc. Seeing them on TV is extremely satisfying, or even better; I had an advert for Audi shown in Cinemas which made it look epic.

Q> What are the three pieces of technology you can’t live without?

Adam> ​Smartphone, Fitbit, Breville Sandwich Toaster.

Q> ​What are the three most important skills needed to work in the field that you do?

Adam> ​Reading people, building rapport, strong maths and a proactive approach.

Q> ​If you weren’t working in post, what do you think you’d be doing instead?

Adam> ​Writer or Director. Or Writer/Director. A Writector?

Q> What do you do to de-stress from it all?

Adam> ​Don't get stressed in the first place! It's a killer.

​Q> WFH or Work in the Office?

Adam> ​After two years working from home, I'm grateful to be rehabilitated back amongst actual human beings. But a couple of days working from home per week definitely reclaims a few years back onto my life expectancy.

Q> ​Re the Creative Outpost Logo, are you Teal or Orange?

Adam> ​Like a film poster from 2008, I like to straddle the line between the two!​

Work from Creative Outpost
Fruit Tunnel