Creative in association withGear Seven

Geometry Global Employees Hit the Streets for Penny for London

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Volunteers hand out travel card wallets during rush hour to raise awareness of the initiative

The team from Geometry Global London was out on the streets of the UK capital this week for City Giving Day in support of their new client ‘Penny for London’. A number of Geometry employees volunteered their time to hand out travel card wallets during rush hour and raise awareness of the initiative at various key commuter points across the capital.

The drive was coordinated alongside the agency’s launch of their “You Won’t Miss It, They Won’t Miss Out” awareness-raising campaign, which urges Londoners to sign up to ‘Penny for London’. Using insights about the perception of giving in such seemingly insignificant quantities, the campaign features young Londoners who have benefited from the scheme across digital and poster out of home, social marketing, radio spots, on-the-ground activation and print advertising. The creative also appears at London’s iconic One Piccadilly Circus, one of the world’s most famous advertising locations.

‘Penny for London’ offers a new model of donating to charity for the digital generation by making ‘micro-donations’ using contactless payment cards and devices such as mobile phones at selected travel and retail points. ‘Penny for London’ is operated by the Mayor’s Fund for London to raise funds to help disadvantaged young Londoners.

Matthew Pattern, Chief Executive of the Mayor’s Fund for London, the charity which has devised Penny for London, said: “Geometry Global has captured a simple, smart insight and translated this into powerful communication at important journey points in Londoners' daily lives.”

Sarah Todd, Chief Executive of Geometry Global, said: “Londoners want a painless way to make a real difference to the lives of London kids. Many people think there’s very little you can do with a single penny but the fact is when you add them all together they have the power to do amazing things.”

Agency / Creative