Creative in association withGear Seven

Gabby's WORD 10 May 2012

Gabby Reports Back from Creative Week NY


This week is creative. Yep, can’t avoid it, I’m at ‘Creative Week’ in NYC and there is no denying the creativity that surrounds me. If I went and had a physic reading today I’d probably be told that that there’s a ‘creative vibe’ surrounding me. I’m overdosing on great content, interesting people and inspiring chat; dizzy on meetings, panels and award shows. My brain is fried but buzzing and, judging by the folk around me, I’m not the only one. And there are more meetings to come, and more talks to attend this week. 
What’s resonated with me and what have I truly enjoyed? The panel “Uprising: How to Build a Brand and Change the World by Sparking Cultural Movement”, stacked with ECDs and CCOs, most of whom have been or will be interviewed by me this week. Also, “What Happens When the Young Guns Take the Reigns” drinks with Ben Palmer, David Shring and Barry Wacksman was fun, really lovely group of people and nice setting. 
I also popped into Cut+Run NYC to see Great Guns director Ram Madhavani present his work, discuss his inspirations and talk about life, love and what challenges him. Our founder, Matt Cooper has been with him during his whistle-stop tour with the Great Guns team. To recap you on their travels, check out Matt’s article here: and full coverage of their mad journey will appear on this site next week. 
Tuesday was the Art Director’s Club awards, coverage of which you will find here: Wednesday I checked out the creative week events at the Galapagos Art space in Dumbo, attended “100 Years of Oreo”, “Are Creatives Born or Can they Be Trained?”, popped my head into most of the Dumbo events, visited Euro RSCG NYC and watched the One Show Student Awards Ceremony. Today is another action packed day, but I shall save that for Tuesday and my final Creative Week round up. In the meantime, if you’re here in NYC and wish to meet me, I’m here till the 17 May - email me!
Have a great weekend,