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Forsman & Bodenfors Receives First and Only Global Certification From 3% Movement

Advertising Agency
Gothenburg, Sweden
Agency was evaluated on female leadership, workplace equality and culture and equal creative opportunity

Yesterday, gender equality organisation The 3% Movement announced that global creative collective Forsman & Bodenfors has become the first and only agency to receive Global 3% Certification, further solidifying the collective’s unwavering commitment to fostering a collaborative, diverse and inclusive work environment around the world. Subsequently, all of Forsman & Bodenfors’ offices have received individual certification.

The 3% Certification is an independent and rigorous assessment system that supports companies in their effort to retain and promote women into leadership. During a vetting period spanning several months, The 3% Movement worked closely with Forsman & Bodenfors’ offices in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Shanghai, Singapore, Toronto, Montreal, and New York to unpack their policies, programs, systems, and the cultural intangibles around women and underrepresented talent in their workplaces. Based on the data provided, in-person interviews with employees, an anonymous employee survey, and external research, Forsman & Bodenfors was evaluated on three key pillars: Female Leadership, Workplace Equality and Culture, and Equal Creative Opportunity.

“The 3% Movement is excited to announce its first-ever Global Certification, awarded to Forsman & Bodenfors. Spread out across three continents and five countries, each Forsman & Bodenfors office we certified was distinct in its unique strengths and capacities,” said Kat Gordon, founder of The 3% Movement. “Yet echoing throughout was a singular culture that values kindness, gender equity, collaboration and a creative team structure that ensures that everyone has a voice and a seat at the table. Forsman & Bodenfors’ world-class, inclusive creative work speaks volumes about the culture that created it.”

The recent work created across Forsman & Bodenfors’ global client roster was also assessed for its inclusion both in front and behind the camera. From Volvo’s “The E.V.A. Initiative” and SK-II’s “Timelines” to industry digital tool Grow Your Circle and Goldman Sachs’ “When a Woman Leads,” Forsman & Bodenfors’ efforts to create campaigns that are inclusive and representative of the markets they serve played an integral role in achieving global 3% certification.

“In a sea of many shiny advertising awards, this one is different and feels particularly special. One of our eleven principles states, ‘We are a human workplace,’ which means that we are committed to creating and fostering a collaborative, equitable and inclusive work environment across the global collective,” said Michele Prota, global board member of talent, Forsman & Bodenfors. “Having all of our offices become 3% Certified is a big part of this effort. As we move forward, we’ll continue to celebrate and empower the richness of different ideas, backgrounds, and perspectives that leads to world-class work and makes a real change for our clients, careers, and society as a whole.”

“This is a recognition that really goes to all the people of the collective, for being open-minded, nice, honest and fun,” said Anna Qvennerstedt, copywriter and global executive chair, Forsman & Bodenfors. “A strong culture is built from hundreds of everyday interactions and it is a pure privilege to be part of this gang.”

In 2018, Forsman & Bodenfors’ co-headquarters in New York became one out of seven agencies to receive The 3% Certification in the United States. Earlier this year, the office also announced that it reached pay parity within its workforce.

Work from Forsman & Bodenfors
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