With carnival season in Brazil coming up in 2 weeks, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi has created a Skol Boot Camp, where an army of partygoers undergo training to prepare them for the festivities. To a funked up soundtrack of Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries”, the ‘soldiers’ practice their dance moves and kissing techniques, and detonate confetti hand grenades.
Created by F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, the film “Training” shows the discipline of an army of partygoers determined to enjoy every second of the best carnivals in Brazil.
As well as the great parties and contagious rhythms, carnival is a time of the year when every partygoer has to battle through the heaving streets. Their Mission: to have fun. And that is the ethos of “Operation Skol Folia” or “Operation Skol Partying”.
“Training” invites people to enlist in the promotion that this year will elect five “General Officers”, the true rulers of Brazilian carnival. The partygoers can enlist at www.skol.com.br/foliaand invite other Facebook soldiers to like their headquarters and accumulate points. The groups of winners will be sent on a trip with their friends to the 5 most famous destinies in the country: Fortaleza, Recife/Olinda, Ouro Preto, Florianópolis and São Luis do Paraitinga.
According to Eduardo Lima, F/Nazca’s Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director, “the fact that Skol beer always opt for unprecedented ways of communicating its brand, is what has turned them into leaders of Brazilian market, in sales and perception”.
The carnival mission will last for 5 days, from the 9th until the 13th February. Let the best soldier win!