TM Advertising collaborated with Lucky Twenty One's directing duo Marc & Melanie Chartrand to create an integrated online and print campaign for Best Friends Animal Society. The irresistible campaign stars rescued animals in a show-stopping display of charm and lovability.
The campaign was the perfect match for The Chartrands, whose visual and storytelling sensibility is rooted in an art photography and photojournalism background. Working closely with the agency creative team on an integrated still shoot and motion media production, The Chartrands were able to provide a creative through-line and overarching stylistic vision to the multi-dimensional campaign.
"The footage and images Marc and Melanie shot are absolutely stunning," affirms TM Advertising Associate Creative Director Chris Bettin. "They set the tone and visual style for the entire campaign - from the video to the posters and the web site - we couldn't have done it without them."
Key to the success of the positive campaign was finding the right blend of appeal and call to action, without becoming saccharine.
"Marc and Melanie did a fantastic job bringing a high level of polish to a project that could have easily become too cutesy," explains Sr. Copywriter Krista Hogg. "Their focus and dedication on set - in the face of dozens of loveable, adorable 'actors' - was commendable... though they did manage to get in a few good tummy rubs between takes."
The Chartrands agreed that casting and directing the rescue animals (provided by Operation Kindness) so their actions could be integrated with the motion typography was one of the most uniquely challenging - albeit fun - aspects of the production.
"The cats and kittens did everything we wanted which, as anyone who loves cats knows, is truly amazing," laughs Marc Chartrand. "We had to be prepared for literally anything to happen and use our time wisely. Luckily, Stephanie Murdoch (TM Advertising Sr. Producer) is a cat whisperer and Chris Bettin (ACD, TM Advertising) has animal training experience. This team effort - hidden talents and all - was emblematic of our rewarding collaboration with everyone at TM."
Best Friends Animal Society operates the nation's largest animal sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals, and provides spay/neuter and educational programs throughout the United States. Founded in 1984, Best Friends is a pioneer of the "non kill" shelter movement. In addition to the sanctuary and rescue operations, Best Friends oversees four ongoing campaigns - "bully breed" awareness, Feline population control, anti-puppy mill initiatives and pets aren't disposable messages. The TM Advertising campaign addresses the importance of spaying and neutering pets before they reach four-months of age.
"When I saw the boards, I knew Marc and Melanie would be perfect. We were lucky enough to work with them on the video, and having them do all the photography for the posters and websites was an added bonus. They are so talented and dedicated to their craft, I was honored to work with them," notes Stephanie Murdoch, TM Advertising Senior Producer.
"The pure joy we all experienced on the project comes through every facet of this campaign. We are grateful to everyone at TM Advertising for this exceptional experience on behalf of an amazing organization," concludes Melanie Chartrand.
Client: Best Friends Animal Society
Senior Manager Creative Department: Amber Ayers
Special Events Marketing Manager: Kari Hartkorn
Sanctuary Programs Marketing Director: Lori Bernath
Agency: TM Advertising
Chief Creative Officer: Bill Oakley
Senior Producer: Stephanie Murdoch
Associate Creative Director/Copywriter: Chris Bettin
Associate Creative Director, Art Director: Pamela Coatti
Senior Copywriter: Krista Hogg
Copywriter: Courtney Pulver
Art Director: Ryan Beals
Broadcast Traffic Supervisor: Sandra Zehm
Broadcast Coordinator: Debbie McIlhany
Production Company: Lucky 21
Director: The Chartrands
EP: John Gilliland
Teresa Cameron: Head of Production
Visual Effects: Intelligent Creatures, Toronto
Production Manager: Cash Lim
Lead CG Artist: Russel Rehmund
CG Artists: Jonald Santos & Chethan Diwakar
Music: "You're So Cool" by Hans Zimmer
Animals graciously provided by Operation Kindness (