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Entry Deadline Extended for the 2017 Creative Circle Awards

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
The Creative Circle has pledged that 10% of all award entry fees and 100% of membership fees will go to the Creative Circle Foundation to support greater diversity in the creative departments of the future
The entry deadline for the 2017 Creative Circle Awards, the longest running advertising awards body in the UK, has been extended to February 3rd.

Furthering its mission to unite Britain’s creative industry, the Creative Circle has updated a number of categories to better represent the creative disciplines worthy of celebration and recognise the gender diversity issues faced by the industry.

Being introduced this year are Best Up and Coming Female Commercial Film Director and the Shrager Creative sponsored Most Promising Female Creative Newcomer categories, whilst Curious Productions have been announced the sponsor of this year’s Photography categories.

An exciting innovation is the introduction of the Champions of Creativity category. Free to enter, the category will celebrate brave clients and media channels that demonstrate an understanding of creativity. Also new for this year is the Best Uncategorised category, which will house entries that don’t conform to the standard award categories.

It’s been revealed that 10% of all award entry fees and 100% of membership fees will go to the Creative Circle Foundation, which will support greater diversity in the creative departments of the future.

Call for entries for this year’s Creative Circle were launched by the new Creative Circle President, Vicki Maguire (ECD of Grey London), who cited that one of the reason’s she took on the role was to help provide practical and financial support to emerging talent:

Talent is still the lifeblood of this industry
And Britain still leads the world in spunk and swagger.
But by and large, we’re still white, male, hetro hoorays.
We’re still losing our most talented,
Not to the Googles and the Facebooks of this world like we feared,
We’re losing talent to London rents, college fees and hiring in our own image.
We’re losing the funny kid who sat at the back of the class, the loud ones, the quick witted ones, the quiet ones who watched the world then drew it.
We’re losing the women, the young mums, the guy who had to fund his way through college only to be faced with another couple of years of placements.
We’re losing the chancers, the blaggers, the entrepreneurs.
We’re in danger of losing the very thing that sets British creativity apart from the rest of the world.
This talent is our calling card.
Our lifeblood.
That’s why I agreed to be President of Creative Circle. This show not only champions and awards work that hasn’t had to be put through the global filter.
It provides practical and financial support for emerging talent.

To become a member of the Creative Circle, please visit

Entries to the Creative Circle Awards are open from 1st November 2016 and close on 3rd February 2016, with judging commencing from February. For more information on submissions and eligibility, please visit

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Creative Circle