Creative in association withGear Seven

Do it For Denmark

Spies travel agency unveil their raunchy new ad, urging Danes to boost the birth rate while on holiday

A new video from Danish travel agency Spies puts the Danes’ sexual habits on display as it reveals that we have 46% percent more sex when we are on vacation. Spies finds that the main reason for this is exhaustiveness and too much work – and suggests that you escape these barriers by going on vacation.

Results from a recent survey by Epinion for Spies shows that almost 10 percent of Danish children are being conceived on a vacation. Among the 997 interviewees, the 18-35 year-olds say that they have twice as much sex on vacation as they do at home. Concurrently Denmark is experiencing a steadily declining birth rate, so there is really only one conclusion to these findings – book your next holiday today and not tomorrow.

Because of these Shocking results, Spies have decided to launch a new and very different campaign where they offer an ovulation discount to any Dane who wants to go on a romantic city break and get pregnant. When going on vacation, couples get a chance to worship each other and rediscover their sexlife, which in the long run can result in a positive growth in the Danish population.

According to clinical sexologist and specialist in psychiatry, Birgit Dagmar Johansen, this is an idea with potential.
“Impulses on a city break affects people. Both physical and psychological activity increase the dopamine production in the brain, which makes us want each other more. And sex and motion is always healthy. These are the factors that have ensured the survival of the human kind since the beginning of time, and it is how we get children"
With this campaign Spies would like to get the Danes to use romance as a tool to increase the birth rate, Using the slogan “Do it for Denmark”.

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