Since Paulo Coelho and Márcio Oliveira assumed the presidency of DM9 in January, the agency has been passing for huge transformations. Within the creative department, the first step was to unify on and off. Then Paulo promoted Adriano Alarcon to VP Creative.
"Alarcon is a modern guy who has always had a successful off-line career and in the last few years has been doing an innovative work on Digital. He has a multidisciplinary background, being able to act both as an art director and as a film director. Not to mention the tireless pursuit for creative excellence and impeccable workmanship. There is no one more complete than him to make DM9 an even more integrated, actual and competitive agency", explains Paulo Coelho.
Now, in another stage of the restructuring, Paulo Coelho has appointed Adriano Alarcon as the only creative vice president. Alarcon will coordinate a team formed by creative directors Valdir Bianchi, Aaron Sutton, Ana Castelo Branco, and newcomers Gustavo Victorino and Victor Sant'anna. Mariana Manso, head of social media, completes the team.
"I am very happy to contribute to DM9DDB’s transformation led by Paulo Coelho and Márcio. I believe that it is only possible to do a great job if we have innovation, integration and respect for people, all in the same place. My goal and the team’s goal is to create a communication that is both entertainment, generating a more true and natural interaction with the public", completes Adriano Alarcon.
All the changes promoted by Paulo Coelho and Márcio Oliveira aim to transform DM9DDB, an agency that is already full service, into a communication company more connected with the future. According to Márcio, DM9DDB wants its brands to be consumer’s partner, creating experiences that are new and relevant to them. Paulo concludes: "The main objective of this restructuring is to bring back to DM9DDB the creative protagonism it has always had.”