Circle Productions announces the signing of Canadian director Shaunoh. Known for his work under the name ’The Solidarity Union’, Shaunoh’s focus to date has been on real person, docu-style stories set against the stunning backdrop of Canada’s most beautiful landscapes. He's worked with coveted Canadian clients such as Air Canada, Rogers, Destination BC, SickKids and McDonald's. Looking to extend his creative vision and push the craft of his storytelling, Shaunoh is now exploring narrative, big-visual projects and working with actors, bringing all of the humanity and realism from his earlier work.
"I'm interested in doing work that delivers genuine emotion through glimpses of honesty. With real people, it's always been about me finding a connection with them and it’s something that I carry into the way I work with actors. It’s about connecting with them and together finding a piece of themselves in the character we are trying to bring to life."
Circle's Laurence Payne commented: "We have admired Shaunoh’s work for years and fully support his transition and growth as an artist. Given his most recent pieces, we think he’s ready to do his best work yet - telling meaningful stories that captivate."
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