Creative in association withGear Seven

Digi Telecom Shares a Simple Message of Kindness and Compassion this Raya Festival

Advertising Agency
Singapore, Singapore
Naga DDB Tribal teams up with Mojo Films on star-studded short film 'Andaian'

As we welcome yet another consecutive year of Raya festivities amidst the pandemic, this year’s celebrations may be another quiet one for many who are unable to reunite with their loved ones. Digi stands together with Malaysians to remind one another to stay hopeful, and that despite these unique challenges faced by all, the festive spirit is alive and well. 

This Raya, Digi echoes a simple message of lending a helping hand to those in need as we reflect inwards on our words and deeds. For as long as we continue to have love and kindness in our hearts, blessings will always follow. In collaboration with Naga DDB Tribal, Digi launched this year’s Raya short film, titled, 'Andaian' or 'Assumptions'.

The film depicts a simple tale of a generous father and the misunderstanding between his daughter. Aliyah, a university student living in the city, is under stress from money troubles and confides in her dad who cuts her off to complain about his business woes. She fumes when she heads back home to find her dad putting strangers’ needs before his own daughter’s. When Aliyah learns the truth behind his actions, she realises her assumptions were wrong all along and she finally understands her dad’s true intentions - and that every life lesson is a priceless gift that we will carry with us forever. 

The film, shot by Mojo Films, features a star-studded line-up of household names that play a powerful role in bringing out the raw emotion and meaning of the film. Sharifah Amani stars in the lead alongside Nam Ron in a moving performance that speaks to us all - when we lead with our hearts filled with love, blessings will always find its way back to us when we least expect it. 

Bernard Lee, Digi’s head of marketing services said: “As the nation continues to grapple with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important to take a step back and celebrate the true meaning of Aidilfitri by being kind to those who are less fortunate. The hardships of life should never deter one from extending a helping hand as only in doing so, can we endure the challenges in life with a unified strength. On behalf of Digi, we would like to wish all Malaysians a safe and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Despite being physically apart for a second consecutive year, we strive to continue keeping Malaysians connected to what matters most to them this season.”

Naga DDB Tribal’s creative director, Ellison Fernandez, said, “In these trying times, we are often quick to make assumptions about the acts of others, but it only takes a little understanding for us to see every sincere intention. The season of Raya has always been about giving to those in need, far more than that of our own. Aliyah’s journey of finding compassion and giving unconditionally is one that rings true to so many Malaysians, who find it in their hearts to lend a hand, keep each other safe and make a difference. Together with Mojo Films we’re glad to have been able to share a story that shows us how meaningful it is to be connected to the things that matter most. Here’s wishing everyone a Selamat Hari Raya.”

Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound
Work from DDB Singapore
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Network for Electronic Transfers