Trends and Insight in association withSynapse Virtual Production

Dear Santa… Can Everyone Just Love Each Other Please?

TwoPoint0 Editor-Partner Anthony Marinelli is positively ponderous this festive season

Dear Santa, 

This was a very good year!  A lot has changed in the industry and there is so much to be excited about!  I’m not sure what to ask for because I feel very fortunate to say I have almost everything I want (alright, I just added a Blu-ray of “Mulholland Drive” to my Amazon cart, but that’s really all I want!)

This year, Wendy Rosen and I created a new company called TwoPoint0. We chose this name because it has a double meaning – there are two of us (obviously) and we’ve worked together before, so this is a new iteration of…well, us.  It’s also a new business model we’re focusing on which allows us to react to the rolling waves of the industry and still do amazing work.  Starting a company is something I’ve always wanted to do, but have never felt the timing was right.  This seemed to happen at the exact right moment so, Santa, thank you!

As a rule, I usually don’t make what are considered “New Year’s Resolutions” because, historically, most people break their resolutions into the second month of the New Year.  What I do is write out a list of goals.  I’ve been doing this for at least ten years and it’s a great way of checking in and seeing what you’ve accomplished and what still needs to be worked on.  I usually check my list around Thanksgiving to try and get in some last minute goal-accomplishing before Christmas, and this year was no different.  I’ve hit almost every mark, I must say with all honesty (however, one of my goals was to “Paint” and, unless I’m counting the bedroom walls, I sort of fell short of that one).

My goals for 2016 have just started to coalesce and the one that stands out the most is, as I mentioned above, do amazing work.  There is no better time in the industry for everyone to do amazing work – there are so many opportunities out there right now, in all mediums.  We have every imaginable tool at our disposal, we cannot help but be inspired by what we see on TV nowadays (going to the movies has become such an afterthought!), so there’s never been a better time for creative individuals to hone their craft (on my list every year), try something new (ditto), and do something…amazing!  I’m getting excited just reading this!  Aren’t you?

So, Santa, thanks again.  If there’s anything I’d like to ask for this Holiday Season it’s not so much for anything in a material sense.  You’ve already given us newly affordable Ultra HD monitors along with enough streaming content to keep me from accomplishing at least one stated goal for 2016 (finish my screenplay).  Considering the fact that, in addition to so much good stuff, 2015 has seen its fair share of aggression, violence and hate, there really is only one thing I would ask for: 

Can everyone just please love each other?  


Anthony Marinelli

Editor/Partner, TwoPoint0